On 23 Mar 2019, at 5:40, Aidan Gauland wrote:

> I see that Racket has a couple of nice libraries for talking to SQL
> databases <https://docs.racket-lang.org/db/> and
> <https://docs.racket-lang.org/sql/>, but I have been unable to find any
> equivalent to the so-called "migrations" capability of DB libraries from
> other languages (see
> <http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc/files/doc/migration_rdoc.html> and
> <https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/ecto.html>  for examples).  Is there
> anything like this for Racket, or even some language-agnostic, CLI tool
> that does the same thing?

Check out Bogdan Popa's north: https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/north .

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