> It just names the threaded value. Did I overlook anything?

That's right, nothing fancy. Think let-binding the threaded value at that 
point. #:with id ~ would achieve the same thing, so as it is now #:as is 
redundant. With #:do both #:with and #:as are redundant, really.

> Let me point out that if ~> specified an identifier (as suggested in my 
> first response) you could co-mingle two threaded computations, keeping 
> separate concerns that don’t matter as opposed to bundling them up in 
> structs or lists or whatever you have to do if you have only one. At first 
> I thought #:as would you let you do so, but that’s not correct.

Ok, this one I don't quite understand. My first thought went as far as to 
weave multiple computations where each #:as would capture continuations and 
macro would keep these "threads" separate, but now I'm thinking you mean 

(~> 1 #:as ~a
    ;; now ~a is being threaded
    (add1 ~a)                           ;=> 2
    2 #:as ~b
    ;; now ~b is being threaded
    (add1 ~b)                           ;=> 3
    ;; simply use whatever ~a was last
    (+ ~a ~b)                           ;=> 5
    #:as ~a
    ;; continue to thread ~a
    (add1 ~a)                           ;=> 3
    (list ~a ~b))
;; => (list 3 5)

but then I think you can achieve this with current #:as semantics since a 
clause without a hole simply starts computation from that clause yet 
preserves any #:as bound vars in scope, so I'm guessing I'm way off. Could 
you expand please? 

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