On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 9:19 PM William J. Bowman <w...@williamjbowman.com> 
> On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 03:55:09PM -0500, Robby Findler wrote:
> > I can agree that the current definition isn't the best one, but this
> > one doesn't seem right. I mean, this requires that both sides step? It
> > is a kind of parallel reduction? That doesn't seem like something
> > commonly wanted.
> Yeah, that was a mistake, and not the only one I made in that email.
> Let me try again.
> In this model, I'm actually trying to define two reduction relations and take
> the compatible-closure of these two mutually defined relations.

For the record, this situation isn't one that I'd considered when
designing this part of redex. I'd just been thinking about a single
relation and automatically giving you the compatible closure of it. (I
thought of the context-closure operation only as a stepping stone to

> The first is of the form `t -> t'` and the second of the form `v -> v'`.
> `v -> v'` is trivial (contains no reductions), but it's compatible closure
> contains an the following interesting reduction rule.
>   t -> t'
>   ------------
>   thunk t -> thunk t'
> It looks like the compatible-closure of `t -> t'` is doing the right thing: it
> does apply the above rule, as long as I was reducing a `t` to begin with.
> The real problem is that I can't access the `v -> v'` relation directly, so I
> can't apply any reduction relation at all to `v`s.

It sounds to me like you want to use the (cross t-v) (or maybe (cross
v-t), I get them mixed up) context to close the `t` relation. Does
that sound right?

> This is particularly annoying, since Redex has computed that relation and can
> use it internally.

(I look at it as if the interesting thing it computed is the context
not the relation per se but I think I'm splitting hairs here.)

> I can't define a trivial reduction relation (all reduction relations need
> rules), so I can't manually call `compatible-closure` on this trivial 
> relation.
> I also can't access `cross` in my surface language to define contexts, so I
> can't take the context closure without writing out about 50 lines of contexts 
> :(.

I have never liked the word "cross" and view this thing as a wart on Redex.

What if I were to add a new kind of pattern, something like:

   (compatible-closure-of t)
   (compatible-closure-of t #:with-respect-to v)

(where the `t` and `v` positions must be names of non-terminals (but
aren't pattern variables)).

And then you could use context-closure or you could just drop that
into an `in-hole` yourself if you wanted to?

I'm not sure how to typeset that :) but otherwise adding that seems
straightforward because it is really just about exposing existing


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