Does Racket have any grammar-based fuzzing utilities? I'm probably going to 
play around with this either way, but if there is an existing solution I'll 
quit after I've had my fun. If, however, people think Racket could use 
something like this I may attempt to make it into a usable package.

I'm thinking specifically about generating inputs for Quickcheck, but such 
a fuzzer might have other uses.

For example, given this grammar:

(struct tree (left right) #:transparent)

(define-grammar tree-grammar
  [Leaf (:choose-integer -9999 9999)]
  [Subtree #'(tree Node Node)]
  [Node #:max-nesting 10
         [1 Leaf]
         [5 Subtree])])

Then (tree-grammar 'Subtree) might generate #'(tree 1 (tree 2 3)) as one of 
many possibilities.

An important feature that I haven't seen yet is tracking/scoping 
identifiers. There are times when we want to generate any arbitrary 
identifier, and other times when we want to use an existing identifier that 
we know is in scope. For example, if we were fuzzing `let` we might have

(define-grammar let-grammar
  [Root #'(let ([LetId LetVal]
  [LetId (:choose-identifier)]
  ; TODO ...

And somehow we want to say that LetBody can and should use the enclosing 
LetIds, but I don't immediately see a great way to communicate that. It 
might be possible to have something like (:choose-bound LetId) which would 
generate a LetId that is known to be in scope.

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