> On Jun 14, 2019, at 4:34 PM, Matthew Flatt <mfl...@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> Sometimes, staying out of the error-triggering space is unavoidable,
> and the possible errors are well enough defined by all filesystems, so
> retrying is a workable solution. If you really have to be in that
> space, then retry an arbitrary number of times, perhaps with an
> exponential backoff (i.e., double the delay between retries).

OK, thanks for the encouragement. After more experimentation I got the 
lock-server idea to work (meaning, my parallel renders now complete without 
errors, which was not true before).

For the benefit of future generations, two complications tripped me up, the 
first I understand, the second I don't, but maybe someday:

1) At first I had each rendering place issue its lock requests file by file. 
This didn't work because each place needed to lock a set of files, and the 
individual lock / unlock requests could end up interleaved in the lock server, 
with strange results (some locked / some unlocked). So I bundled each set of 
files into a "lock transaction" which I passed in a single place message, then 
all of them would get locked or unlocked as a group.

2) I set up each rendering place to repeatedly ask for a lock until it was 
approved. But even after approving a lock request from a certain rendering 
place, the lock server would end up with repeat lock requests from there. To 
fix this, I needed to create a third response for the lock server, which was 
"dude you already have a lock".

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