On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 10:40 AM Thomas Dickerson
<thomas_dicker...@alumni.brown.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 11:44 AM Robby Findler <ro...@cs.northwestern.edu> 
> wrote:
>> May I ask why you need to have the C++ code embed Racket instead of
>> the other way around (ie using the FFI)?
> The short answer is this project is a very small part of a very large 
> enterprise C++ code base, and it's not reasonable to rewrite every single 
> program in our toolkit that needs to interact with our DSL to be a dynamic 
> library with a Racket front-end.

I think I'm missing a bit more context so I'll continue this line of
questions. The path that you seem to be heading down seems to be one
where you'll duplicate a lot of work that's already gone into
DrRacket, and it seems unlikely to me that it is the most productive.

Can you say a little more about what you want to do with DrRacket? I
guess there will be some program in your DSL that you'll want to work
with. Do you expect to be able to run these programs? If so, does it
make sense to run them when you aren't in the
embedded-in-the-huge-C++-code-base mode? How about compilation of the
programs (i.e. macro expansion)?


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