Staircase thought:  I shouldn't have said 'precisely equivalent' since the
text of the error message may differ.  'Semantically equivalent' is more

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 11:17 AM David Storrs <> wrote:

> Note that in many cases it can be better to use a contract as opposed to
> an explicit check.  For example, you could replace this:
> (define (feed-animals cow sheep goose cat)
>     (if (not (eq? goose 'goose))
>       (raise-argument-error 'feed-animals "'goose" 2 cow sheep goose cat)
>       "fed the animals"))
> With this, which is precisely equivalent:
> (define/contract (feed-animals cow sheep goose cat)
>    (-> any/c any/c 'goose any/c any)
>     "fed the animals")
> Or maybe you want to verify that neither cow, sheep, nor cat are also
> goose:
> (define/contract (feed-animals cow sheep goose cat)
>    (-> (not/c 'goose) (not/c 'goose) 'goose (not/c 'goose) any)
>     "fed the animals")
> Or, maybe you can accept either a symbol or a string for goose:
> (define/contract (feed-animals cow sheep goose cat)
>    (-> any/c any/c (or/c 'goose "goose") any/c any)
>     "fed the animals")
> Or maybe do that case-insensitively (I'm getting rid of the excess
> arguments for brevity):
> (define/contract (feed-animals goose)
>    (-> (compose1 (curry string-ci=? "goose") ~a) any)
>     "fed the animals")
> Same as above, but let's insist that the return value be a non-empty
> string:
> (define/contract (feed-animals goose)
>    (-> (compose1 (curry string-ci=? "goose") ~a) non-empty-string?)
>     "fed the animals")
> If you really want to get nuts then you can do all kinds of inter-argument
> checking in a contract.  Here's an actual contract that I use in my
> database layer, for the 'upsert-rows' function:
> (define symbol-string? (or/c symbol? string?))
> (define false-or-unsupplied? (or/c false? unsupplied-arg?))
> (define/contract (upsert-rows #:table             table-name
>                               #:rows              rows
>                               #:conflict-clause   conflict-clause
>                               #:db                [conn             #f]
>                               #:fields-to-update  [fields-to-update #f]
>                               )
>   (->i (#:table           [table symbol-string?]
>         #:rows            [rows (or/c  (hash/c symbol-string? any/c)
>                                        (listof (hash/c symbol-string?
> any/c)))]
>         #:conflict-clause [conflict-clause (or/c #f 'FAIL symbol-string?)]
> ; 'FAIL is redundant with `symbol-string?`. It's there for clarity.
>         )
>        (
>         #:db                 [db connection?]
>         #:fields-to-update   [fields-to-update (or/c #f (non-empty-listof
> symbol-string?))]
>         )
>        ; If conflict clause is 'FAIL then fields-to-update must be #f or
> unsupplied
>        ; If conflict clause is #f then fields-to-update must be #f or
> unsupplied
>        ; If conflict clause is NOT #f then fields-to-update must be a list
>        #:pre (conflict-clause fields-to-update)
>        (or  (and (equal? 'FAIL conflict-clause)
>                  (false-or-unsupplied? fields-to-update))
>             (and (false? conflict-clause) (false-or-unsupplied?
> fields-to-update))
>             (and conflict-clause (list? fields-to-update)))
>        any)
> ...code...)
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 1:49 PM Kevin Forchione <> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Been adding raise-argument-error to my functions to catch errors and have
>> noticed that the 2nd version of the form doesn’t actually list the other
>> arguments - even for the example in the docs:
>> >(define (feed-animals cow sheep goose cat)
>>     (if (not (eq? goose 'goose))
>>       (raise-argument-error 'feed-animals "'goose" 2 cow sheep goose cat)
>>       "fed the animals"))
>> >(feed-animals 'cow 'sheep 'dog ‘cat)
>> . . feed-animals: contract violation
>>   expected: 'goose
>>   given: 'dog
>>   argument position: 3rd
>>   other arguments...:
>> >
>> Is this form recommended? I’ve noticed that the documentation says some
>> of the error forms have been deprecated.
>> -Kevin
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