Hi All,

I was playing around with creating a progress bar. The basic idea was 

#lang racket/gui

(define frame (new frame%
                   [label "Progress Bar"]
                   [width 300]))

(define hpane (new horizontal-pane%
                   [parent frame]))

(define gauge (new gauge%
                   [label ""]
                   [parent hpane]
                   [range 100]))

(define msg (new message%
                 [parent hpane]
                 [auto-resize #t]
                 [label "0%"]))

(send frame show #t)

(for ([i (in-range 1 101)])
  (sleep 0.05)
  (send gauge set-value i)
  (send msg set-label (string-append (~a i) "%")))

When I tried to take the next step of wrapping this up into a couple of 
functions, I was completely lost. I don't know how to initialize a frame 
with child elements by calling a function because all of the elements of 
the frame only exist in the function and not at the top-level (probably 
butchering the jargon here; hopefully it makes sense). I wasn't really sure 
where to look to learn more about doing such a thing. Here is some 
pseudocode to try to further illustrate my confusion.

(define (initialize-progress-bar)
  ;; insert code that creates progress bar
  ;; i.e., from defining frame to sending frame in code above)

(define (update-progress-bar new-value)
  (send gauge set-value new-value)
  (send msg set-label (string-append (~a new-value) "%")))

(for ([i (in-range 1 101)])
  (sleep 0.05)
  (update-progress-bar i))



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