
Is anyone in or around the London area interested in helping a keen 11yo ?
(I'm not really qualified but I've offered to help with any questions she

If you are please let me know and I'll put you in contact with her mum.

Dear Stephen,

Hello, my name is XXX and Jesse Alama has given me your email and suggested
> to get in touch. :)
> My daughter XXXX is 11 years old, and has a great interest in Functional
> Programming. She has taught herself several programming languages since the
> age of about 6 ( with library books and free online video tutorials) first
> Python, Javascript, Swift and most recently this past year - Clojure.
> Clojure is her favourite language and she also is now exploring and using
> Racket to create her own language.
> They do not yet teach programming at her school, (or hardly any IT for
> that matter, just very basic word processing) and she is very bored at
> school. It’s also an underperforming school and been graded as inadequate
> by OFSTED, so the maths and science has been seriously lacking. Hence why
> Connie has been desperate to leave and is so looking forward to a better
> curriculum at her next school, moving up to secondary education in
> September. Meanwhile, I‘m supporting her as much as possible by helping her
> to attend as many computing events outside of school that I can to
> encourage and foster her learning and love of programming. (I myself, am
> not a programmer!).
> I contacted Jesse online and he was thrilled to hear that XXXX was using
> Racket and he very kindly gave us diversity tickets to this summers
> RacketFest, but we‘re unable to travel there due to financial constraints.
> So as we’re unable to attend, I thought it would be wonderful instead, for
> XXXX to maybe spend an hour or so doing some 1:1 programming with someone
> in the community here in the UK who may be able to assist with her language
> that she’s been making in Racket. It’s difficult for her when Googling
> solutions, and there are no people we know here that use Racket. So Jesse
> suggested that as you are in London maybe we could reach out to you. On the
> last day of school, 19 July we’d happily go into London (Obviously I’d
> accompany her and supervise.) if you are free or know anyone else within
> your Racket community or offices based in London? I realise this is a bit
> of a random and short notice request! But please do let me know.
> Kind regards,

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