
I've narrowed down the problem to the `copy` method of the snip. When I 
delete the copy method, I can see the snip perfectly, but it can't be 
resized (because no copy method implemented).

I removed the GL component, so now I'm only attempting to extend the 
image-snip% class to resize a custom bitmap I load in (in my case just a 
plain red circle I drew). When I highlight over the snip with my cursor, I 
can see the bitmap below and it is resizing as well on a click (using 
`set-bitmap`). However, if I don't highlight over the snip it appears plain 

Another observations that may or may not help is:
Calling (send s get-bitmap) always returns the bitmap of the same size, 
even if I've pressed on the snip several times to resize it.

Here's the simplified code:
(require racket/gui

;; bitmap stuff
(define bits (make-bitmap 250 250))
(define bits-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bits]))
(send bits-dc set-brush "red" 'solid)
(send bits-dc set-pen "black" 3 'solid)
(send bits-dc draw-ellipse 1 1 248 248)

(define snip (make-object image-snip% bits))

;; snip stuff
(define scroll-snip%
  (class image-snip%
    (init bit-init)
    (define snip-bitmap bit-init)
    (inherit/super get-admin set-flags set-bitmap)
    (init-field [w 100] [h 100])
    (super-make-object snip-bitmap)
    (set-flags (list 'handles-events))
    (define/override (get-extent dc x y width height descent space lspace 
      (define (maybe-set-box! b v) (when b (set-box! b v)))
      (maybe-set-box! width w)
      (maybe-set-box! height h)
      (maybe-set-box! descent 1.0)
      (maybe-set-box! space 1.0)
      (maybe-set-box! lspace 1.0)
      (maybe-set-box! rspace 1.0))

    (define/override (on-char dc x y editorx editory event)
        [(equal? (send event get-key-code) 'down)
         (define admin (get-admin))
         (set! w (+ w 20))
         (set! h (+ h 20))

         ;; brush/pen/draw ellipse
         (define new-bits (make-object bitmap% w h))
         (send bits-dc set-bitmap new-bits)
         (send bits-dc draw-ellipse x y (- w 2) (- h 2))
         (set! snip-bitmap new-bits)
         (when admin
           (send admin resized this #t))]
        [(equal? (send event get-key-code) 'up)
         (define admin (get-admin))
         (set! w (- w 20))
         (set! h (- h 20))

         ;; brush/pen/draw ellipse
         (define new-bits (make-object bitmap% w h))
         (send bits-dc set-bitmap new-bits)
         (send bits-dc draw-ellipse x y (- w 2) (- h 2))
         (super set-bitmap new-bits)
         (when admin
           (send admin resized this #t))]
        [(equal? (send event get-key-code) 'escape)
         (define admin (get-admin))
         (set! w 150)
         (set! h 150)

         ;; brush/pen/draw ellipse
         (define new-bits (make-object bitmap% w h))
         (send bits-dc set-bitmap new-bits)
         (send bits-dc draw-ellipse x y (- w 2) (- h 2))
         (super set-bitmap new-bits)
         (when admin
           (send admin resized this #t))]))

    (define/override (on-event dc x y editorx editory event)
        [(send event button-down?)
         (define admin (get-admin))
         (set! w (+ w 20))
         (set! h (+ h 20))

         ;; brush/pen/draw ellipse
         (define new-bits (make-object bitmap% w h))
         (send bits-dc set-bitmap new-bits)
         (send bits-dc draw-ellipse x y (- w 2) (- h 2))
         (super set-bitmap new-bits)
         (when admin
           (send admin resized this #t))]))

    (define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
      ;; brush/pen/draw ellipse
      ;(define new-bits (make-object bitmap% w h))
      ;(send bits-dc set-bitmap new-bits)
      ;(send bits-dc draw-ellipse x y (- w 2) (- h 2))
      ;(set! snip-bitmap new-bits)
      (super draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret))

    (define/override (copy)
      (make-object scroll-snip% snip-bitmap))

(define s (make-object scroll-snip% bits))

I believe there must be a problem with the default implementation of the 
`copy` method, but I don't know enough to parse what's going on there. Here 
is the Racket source code implementation of an 

On Friday, July 12, 2019 at 1:19:39 PM UTC-4, Kshitij Sachan wrote:
> I've been trying to render an OpenGL context using a gl-bitmap and then 
> displaying that in a snip (to enable user input). I extended the image snip 
> class and overrode the basic methods to draw, get-extent, etc. 
> When I try to display my snip, I see nothing, but when I highlight over 
> the snip with my cursor I can see the shape underneath! It's clearly 
> rendering, and I can render the gl-bitmap by itself fine when it is not 
> connected to a snip. What could possibly be making my snip appear white?
> My two hypotheses are:
> 1) I didn't set up the snip-class% correctly. I have no clue what the 
> purpose of this is (the documentation is challenging to follow here), and I 
> don't know what argument to provide to `(set-classname "(lib ...)")` (what 
> should replace the ...?)
> 2) I didn't override one of the relevant functions such as set-unmodified?
> Here is my code (MakeGLSupport and drawAFrame are both calls to extern "C" 
> functions I'm accessing using the FFI. They setup the triangles in OpenGL 
> and render those triangles, respectively):
> #lang racket
> (require racket/gui/base
>          ffi/unsafe
>          ffi/unsafe/define)
> ;; ffi code
> (define my-ffi (ffi-lib 
> "/Users/kshitijsachan/Documents/geopipe/builddir/lib/Debug/libgldraw"))
> (define-ffi-definer define-gltest my-ffi)
> ;; type def
> (define _GLTest-pointer (_cpointer 'GLTest))
> ;; functions
> (define-gltest makeGLTest (_fun _int _int -> _GLTest-pointer))
> (define-gltest drawAFrame (_fun _GLTest-pointer -> _void))
> ;; global variables
> (define screen-width 100)
> (define screen-height 100)
> ;; gl code
> (define gl-config (new gl-config%))
> (send gl-config set-double-buffered #f)
> (send gl-config set-legacy? #f)
> (define gl-bitmap (make-gl-bitmap screen-width screen-height gl-config))
> (define gl-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap gl-bitmap]))
> (define gl-context (send gl-dc get-gl-context))
> (define opengl-snip (make-object image-snip% gl-bitmap))
> ;; bitmap
> (define my-bitmap (make-bitmap screen-width screen-height #t))
> (define my-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap my-bitmap]))
> (send my-dc set-brush "red" 'solid)
> (send my-dc set-pen "black" 3 'solid)
> (send my-dc draw-ellipse 1 1 98 98)
> (define scroll-snip-class%
>    (class snip-class%
>      (inherit set-classname)
>      (super-new)
>      (set-classname "(lib test-snip)")
>      ;; not sure if necessary
>      (define/override (read f)
>        (define width-b (box 0.0))
>        (define height-b (box 0.0))
>        (send f get width-b)
>        (send f get height-b)
>        (new scroll-snip% [snip-width (unbox width-b)] [snip-height (unbox 
> height-b)]))
>      ))
> (define scroll-snip-class (new scroll-snip-class%))
> ;; custom image-snip (THIS IS ALSO WHAT I HAVE A QUESTION ON)
> (define scroll-snip%
>   (class image-snip%
>     ;; set up fields
>     (init bit)
>     (define snip-bitmap bit)
>     (init-field [snip-width screen-width] [snip-height screen-height])
>     ;; make image-snip
>     (super-make-object snip-bitmap)
>     ;; add ability to handle events
>     (inherit/super set-flags get-admin set-snipclass)
>     (set-snipclass scroll-snip-class)
>     (set-flags (list 'handles-events))
>     ;; override methods
>     (define/override (get-extent dc x y w h descent space lspace rspace)
>       (define (maybe-set-box! b v) (when b (set-box! b v)))
>       (maybe-set-box! w snip-width)
>       (maybe-set-box! h snip-height)
>       (maybe-set-box! descent 1.0)
>       (maybe-set-box! space 1.0)
>       (maybe-set-box! lspace 1.0)
>       (maybe-set-box! rspace 1.0))
>     ;; there seems to be a problem when copying (snip looks white but can 
> be seen when highlighted)
>     (define/override (copy)
>       (new scroll-snip% [bit snip-bitmap]))
>     (define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
>       (send gl-context call-as-current
>       (lambda () (drawAFrame (makeGLTest screen-width screen-height)) 
> gl-bitmap))
>       (super draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
>       )
>     (define/override (on-char dc x y editorx editory event)
>       (cond
>         [(equal? (send event get-key-code) 'up)
>          (define admin (get-admin))
>          (set! snip-width (+ snip-width 15))
>          (set! snip-height (+ snip-height 15))
>          (when admin
>            (send admin resized this #t))]
>         [(equal? (send event get-key-code) 'down)
>          (define admin (get-admin))
>          (set! snip-width (- snip-width 20))
>          (set! snip-height (- snip-height 20))
>          (when admin
>            (send admin resized this #t))]))
>     ))
> (new scroll-snip% [bit gl-bitmap])
> Any help would be appreciated! I've been stuck on this for quite a while :)

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