Opinions are like belly buttons, and I'd like to show you two of mine (as in 
that terrible Gene Roddenberry film). 

I very much like the overall goals of making Racket more consistent and more 
generic.  They strike me as reforms of the language.  I wonder if adding these 
features would be too far from the "spirit" of Racket. 

 • Make a clear distinction between mutable and immutable data
Perhaps make everything immutable except for the contents of boxes (reminiscent 
of ML).  It would be a significant change, but I think that it would encourage 
functional programming and allow valuable optimizations. 

 • Offer "unique" data

As used in Clean and Idris, a unique value "is guaranteed to have at most one 
reference to it at run-time, which means that it can safely be updated 
in-place, reducing the need for memory allocation and garbage collection."

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