
Thanks for thinking about this.  I'll start moving some of my repos in this 

On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 7:52:37 AM UTC-7, Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been thinking about small things that can be done to lower the 
> barriers to entry to the racket community, and I've come up with some 
> ideas! 
> 1. Adopts the standard GitHub set of issue labels* for all active 
> repositories, only deviating where necessary. 
> Benefit - This would allow potential contributors to easily identify 
> issues by their labels or the GitHub 'contribute link: 
> e.g. https://github.com/standard-fish/summer-competititon-2019/contribute 
> Downside - needs to be done manually through the labels page  
> https://github.com/[owner]/[repository]/labels 
> e.g. https://github.com/standard-fish/summer-competititon-2019/labels
> 2. Adopt standard issue templates for 'good first issue', 'documentation' 
> & 'enhancement'
> e.g. I've created some examples at but they are not ready for use in that 
> the are incomplete and/or wrong: 
> https://github.com/standard-fish/summer-competititon-2019/tree/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
> Benefits:
>   a) would allow the quick logging of issues with the correct labels
>   b) would guide contributors to log issues with relevant issues so the 
> respective owners can triage them quickly
> NB as these are files that are easy to add via a pull request - no 'owner 
> only' ui like (1).
> 3. if you are a repository owner please apply labels to existing issues 
> (especially 'good first issue') - even if the descriptions are not great. 
> 4. if you have a 'good first issue', but don't have time to action it - 
> just log it and leave it. that was it is not forgotten and someone can find 
> it.
> 5. Put the location of the scribble source file at the beginning of every 
> scribble file because it is really hard to find the location of scribble 
> source; 
> 'Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures' is in the slideshow repo: 
> https://github.com/racket/slideshow/blob/master/slideshow-doc/scribblings/quick/quick.scrbl
>  it is worse when one scribble file inlines  another.
> I think this are small steps will make it easier for new racketeers to get 
> started and existing contributors not to get fatigued.
> Please let me know what you think
> Kind regards, 
> Stephen
> ---
> * standard GitHub set of issue labels: 
> -   bug - Something isn't working
> -   documentation - Improvements or additions to documentation
> -   duplicate - This issue or pull request already exists
> -   enhancement - New feature or request
> -   good first issue - Good for newcomers
> -   help wanted - Extra attention is needed
> -   invalid - This doesn't seem right
> -   question - Further information is requested
> -   wontfix - This will not be worked on

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