Thank you Hendrik.

All entries are in. Give me a few days to sort through them.


On Sat, 31 Aug 2019 at 17:23, Hendrik Boom <> wrote:

> Today's version, together with a new file describing my
> longer-term intentions, rather than what the program dies right now.
> The code resides on a monotone repository on my server, which I hope to
> figure out how to make publically accessible.
> I haven't written a formal copyrght notice; but I am hereby delaring
> it's free software, and will probably be released under the GPL or MIT
> licence.  Advice welcome.
> Though I suspect no one much will develop anything using it, but maybe
> use it as an insperation for something completely different.
> -- hendrik
> On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 08:27:34AM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > door.rkt draws a picture of a small house, with a door and windows.
> > Different picture each time you run it.
> >
> > The bulk of the code is there to handle attributes (like colours and
> > sizes) in an association list, so that you can establish defaults and
> > the like.
> >
> > One thing I know is that the attribute-handling code isn't right yet,
> > and follows different conventions in different parts of it.
> >
> > Sometimes I have multipls versions of a function that are identical
> > except for using different argument conventions.
> >
> > It's still very much in a state of flux.
> >
> > Suggestions very welcome.
> >
> > -- hendrik
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Racket Users" group.
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to
> > To view this discussion on the web visit
> .
> > #lang racket
> > (require pict)
> > (require racket/gui/base)
> > (require racket/random)
> >
> > (define (show tag thing) (print (cons tag thing)) thing)
> >
> > ; (list 'random (random 1 10) (random 1 2) (random 1 234))
> > ; (list 'chosen (random-ref '(a b c d e f)))
> > ; (list 'nope)
> > ; (show 'showtest 'showdatum)
> >
> >
> > ; Attribute management
> >
> >
> > ; ali is an environment.  It should contain all the parameters that are
> neede to make a typical whatever (at the moment, the whatever is a door.)
> > ;  At the moment, also, it allows attributes to be defined as functions;
> at lookup time the entire association list is passed to the function so
> that its value can depend on other (not necessarily previous) parameters.
> >
> > ; This mechanism was originally introduced for flexibility, but is being
> used mainly to implement the freeze operation.
> >
> > (define (looker name ali succeed fail)
> >   (letrec (
> >       (lookup2 (lambda (name aa succeed fail)
> >         (if (eq? aa '())
> >           (fail)
> >           (if (eq? name (caar aa))
> >             (let ((value (cdar aa)))
> >               (if (procedure? value)
> >                 (succeed (value ali))
> >                 (succeed value)
> >               )
> >               )
> >             (lookup2 name (cdr aa) succeed fail)
> >           )
> >         )
> >       )))
> >     (lookup2 name ali succeed fail)
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > (define (lookup name ali fail)
> >   (looker name ali (lambda (result) result) fail)
> > )
> > (define (old lookup name ali fail)
> >   (letrec (
> >       (lookup2 (lambda (name aa fail)
> >         (if (eq? aa '())
> >           (fail)
> >           (if (eq? name (caar aa))
> >             (let ((value (cdar aa)))
> >               (if (procedure? value)
> >                 (value ali)
> >                 value
> >               )
> >               )
> >             (lookup2 name (cdr aa) fail)
> >           )
> >         )
> >       )))
> >     (lookup2 name ali fail)
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > (define (binda name value a) (cons (cons name value) a))
> >
> > (define (bind name value object)
> >   (lambda (a)
> >     (object (binda name value a))
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > ; Freezing is a mechanism for choosing parameters to be passed down to
> more local objects, so, for example, we can set a style for all he windows
> in a house, but allow each house to have its own style for windoess.  This
> is accomplished by having the window-style be a function instead of a
> value.  The freeze calls the function and rebids the name to the result of
> that function.  The resulting associon list is passed down to lower objects.
> >
> > (define (freezea name a)
> >   (let ((value (lookup name a (lambda () '()))))
> >     (if (eq? value '()) a (binda name value a))))
> >
> > ; Got the wrong definition for lookup.  Need a way after the lookup to
> base decision on its success.  Returning '() in't enough.  I wonder what
> the right definition is.
> >
> > (define (freeze name f a)
> >   ( let (( value (lookup name a (lambda () '())) ))
> >     (if (eq? value '())
> >       f
> >       (lambda (a) (f (binda name value a)))
> >     )
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > (define (freezeo name object)
> >   ( lambda (a)
> >     (let (( value (lookup name a (lambda () '())) ))
> >     (if (eq? value '())
> >       (object a)
> >       (object (binda name value a))
> >     )
> >   ))
> > )
> >
> > (define (with a name value) (cons (cons name value) a))
> >
> >
> > ;  Graphics combinators
> >
> > (define ( hor l )
> >   (if (cons? l)
> >     (if
> >       (null? (cdr l))
> >       (car l)
> >       (let
> >         ( [rest (hor (cdr l))] )
> >       (lambda (a) (hc-append ((car l) a) (rest a)))
> >       )
> >     )
> >     (print "ERROR: null list in hor")
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > (define ( vert l )
> >   (if (cons? l)
> >     (if
> >       (null? (cdr l))
> >       (car l)
> >       (let
> >         ( [rest (vert (cdr l))] )
> >       (lambda (a) (hc-append ((car l) a) (rest a)))
> >       )
> >     )
> >     (print "ERROR:null list in vert")
> >   )
> > )
> >
> >
> > (define (horsep count object spacer a) ; object and spacer are functions
> taking alists.
> >   (if (equal? count 1) (object a) ; TODO: zero case
> >     (ht-append (object a) (spacer a) (horsep ( - count 1 ) object spacer
> a))
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > (define (horsepp count object spacer)
> >   (lambda (a) (horsep count object spacer a))
> >   )
> >
> > (define (spacer a)
> >   (blank 40 40)
> >   ; (filled-rectangle 40 40 #:color "white")
> >   )
> >
> >
> > ; Architectural primitives
> >
> > (define (window a)
> >   ( let [ (width (lookup 'width a (lambda () 100)))
> >           ; 10 isn't meant to be realistic.  It's meant to be ridiculous
> as a way of showing that something is wrong in the picture.
> >           (height (lookup 'height a (lambda () 10)))
> >           (style (lookup 'style a (lambda () 'framed)))
> >       ]
> >      ; (show 'framed style) (show 'width width) (show 'height height)
> >         (if #t ; (eq? style 'framed)
> >         ( pin-over
> >           (filled-rectangle (* width 1.00) (* height 1.00 ) #:color
> "brown")
> >           ( * width 0.05 ) ( * height 0.05 )
> >           (filled-rectangle (* width 0.90) (* height 0.90 ) #:color
> "black")
> >         )
> >           (filled-rectangle (* width 1.00) (* height 1.00 ) #:color
> "black")
> >       )
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > (define (door a)
> >       (let
> >           [
> >             (width
> >                (begin (lookup 'doorwidth a (lambda () 100)))
> >             )
> >             (height (lookup 'doorheight a (lambda () 200)))
> >             (wodth 200)
> >           ]
> >
> >           ; (print (list 'in (cons 'wodth wodth) (cons 'width width)))
> >           (pin-over
> >             (pin-over
> >               (begin
> >                  ; (print (list (cons 'wodth wodth) (cons 'width width)))
> >                  (filled-rectangle width height #:color (lookup 'colour
> a (lambda(a) "gray")))
> >               )
> >                 (* width 0.05)        (* height 0.05)
> >               (window (binda 'width ( * width 0.9 ) (binda 'height (*
> height 0.45 ) a)))
> >             )
> >           (* width 0.85) (* height 0.6)
> >           (disk ( * width 0.10) #:color "yellow"))
> >       )
> > )
> >
> > (define (dww a)
> >   (let
> >       [
> >        (width
> >         (begin (lookup 'doorwidth a (lambda () 100)))
> >         )
> >        (height (lookup 'doorheight a (lambda () 200)))
> >        (wall (lookup 'wall a (lambda () "lightgreen")))
> >       ]
> >     (define fw (bind 'style 'framed(bind 'width ( * width 0.9 ) (bind
> 'height (* height 0.45 ) window))))
> >     (define facade (random-ref (list
> >                  (ht-append (spacer a) (door a) (spacer a) (fw a)
> (spacer a) (fw a) (spacer a))
> >                  (ht-append (spacer a) (fw a) (door a)(spacer a) (fw a))
> >                  (ht-append (fw a) (fw a) (spacer a) (door a))
> >                  )))
> >     (pin-over (filled-rectangle (pict-width facade) (pict-height facade)
> #:color wall)
> >               0 0
> >               facade)
> >     ;   (ht-append (door a) (window a) (door a))
> >   )
> > )
> >
> > (define (4doors a)
> >   (horsep 4 door spacer a)
> > )
> >
> > (define (8doors a)
> >   (horsep 8 door spacer a)
> > )
> >
> > ; Test cases
> >
> > (define colours '( "white" "red" "orange" "yellow" "chartreuse"
> >                            "green" "lightgreen" "darkgreen" "turquoise"
> >                            "blue" "lightblue" "darkblue" "purple" "gray"
> >                            "lightgray:" "darkgray"
> >                            "brown" "lightbrown" "darkbrown"
> >                            "black"))
> >
> >
> >
> > (define alist (list
> >       (cons 'doorwidth 100 )
> >       (cons 'doorheight 200 )
> >       (cons 'wodth (lambda (a)
> >           (lookup 'width a (lambda () 123))
> >       ))
> >       (cons 'colour (lambda (a) (random-ref colours)))
> >       (cons 'highlight (lambda (a) (random-ref colours)))
> >       (cons 'wall (lambda (a) (random-ref colours)))
> >       '(style . framed)
> >     )
> > )
> >
> > ; (lookup 'colour alist (lambda(a) "gray"))
> >
> > ; (print 'yup)
> >
> > ; (show 'alist alist)
> >
> > ; (print 'bar)
> > ; (print "\n")
> >
> > (define (stackdoors a)
> >   (vc-append
> >     (4doors a)
> >     (8doors a)
> >     ((freezeo 'colour 8doors) a)
> > ))
> >
> >
> >
> > ; (show-pict ((hor (list door window door)) alist))
> >
> > ; (show-pict (horsep 3 door window alist))
> >
> > ; (show-pict (scale (stackdoors alist) 0.5))
> >
> > (show-pict (scale (dww alist) 0.5))
> --
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