On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 1:37:41 PM UTC+8, Jesse Alama wrote:
> I'm working on building a standalone executable for a #lang that can be 
> used in two ways:
> 1. foo awesome.foo: execute file awesome.foo, which is written in #lang foo
> 2. foo (no arguments): fire up a REPL. Expressions are to be written in 
> the foo language.
> I can get (1) to work, after wrestling with raco exe (using ++lang) and 
> raco distribute (using ++collects-copy). An invocation that works for me is:
> ### begin script snippet
> raco exe ++lang foo ++lang racket/base ++lang brag foo.rkt
> # copy the source code of foo into collects/foo
> mkdir -p collects/foo
> find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*.rkt' -exec cp {} collects/foo ';'
> raco distribute ++collects-copy collects dist foo
> ### end script snippet
> This works for making a standalone executable that can exectute foo 
> programs specified on the command line, but doesn't work for a REPL. The 
> difficulty seems to be the `namespace-require` part of `run-repl`, defined 
> like this:
> ````
> (define (run-repl)
>   (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-empty-namespace)])
>     (namespace-require 'foo/expander)
>     (read-eval-print-loop)))
> ````

This is a wild guess, but since no one replied, I would suggest two things 
to try:

1) try using `make-base-namespace` instead -- I am not sure what the 
difference is between "attached" and "attached + required", but sounds like 
`make-base-namespace` will require racket/base

2) try a compiled form:

    (define (run-repl)
      (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-empty-namespace)])
        (compile `(namespace-require `'foo/expander))


> When I invoke the executable with no arguments, `run-repl` gets called. 
> But this leads to:
> ````
> standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found
>   for module path: racket/base/lang/reader
>   collection: "racket/base/lang"
> ````
> expander.rkt in foo is written in racket/base, so I suppose that's what 
> triggers the issue.
> My question, crudely put, is: How do I "embed" racket/base so that I can 
> use `namespace-require` as seen in `run-repl`? (I assume namespace-require 
> is what I need; if that's wrong, please do correct me.) It appears that 
> ++lang racket/base bit in raco exe isn't enough. A related question about 
> raco exe is: if racket/base isn't available, what *is* available?

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