
On 08. 10. 19 6:58, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
> I've submitted a pull request fixing those errors and supporting
> running in serial mode.

thank you for that, it's already fixed. I am actually pulling this from
our internal git repository and I imported older info.rkt into the
Github one.

For the contracts - now it is void? instead of suggested any/c. The
functions are modeled like vector-sort! - which returns #<void>.

Btw, is it necessary to bump the version on pkgd.racket-lang.org in
order to get it updated? When I `raco install' the package from its
directory, it works fine now. When I use the github repository using
plain `raco pkg install futures-sort' it still uses the old version.
Just removing and re-installing does not change anything.

> One thing I notice is that it's substantially faster than
> `vector-sort!` even when run in serial mode on traditional Racket (but
> not on Racket CS), so perhaps this should be integrated (or there are
> improvements that we can adopt).

We mostly discussed that with Jens Axel on #racket - main advantage at
the lowest level is the usage of fixnums for everything. This however
means that the vector's size to be sorted must be `fixnum?'. Which I
think is always the case on all supported architectures (addressable
memory and such).

> Alex, just to clarify a couple things about futures: they block when
> performing operations that are either sensitive to the current
> continuation or need single-threaded access to the runtime. Vector
> operations, as you see in Dominik's code, are not in this category.
> Mutable hash table operations are blocking. Here's some numbers with
> performance on sorting a vector with random fixnums using this package
> on a 4 core machine with hyperthreading, "classic" is `vector-sort!`.
> Note that the futures-sort library creates 2^k futures.
> k: 0
> cpu time: 3402 real time: 3399 gc time: 45
> k: 1
> cpu time: 3487 real time: 1834 gc time: 46
> k: 2
> cpu time: 3581 real time: 1097 gc time: 69
> k: 4
> cpu time: 5745 real time: 1014 gc time: 69
> k: 8
> cpu time: 5742 real time: 992 gc time: 45
> k: 16
> cpu time: 8111 real time: 2189 gc time: 279
> 'classic
> cpu time: 4390 real time: 4388 gc time: 98
> Here are similar numbers for Racket CS:
> k: 0
> cpu time: 2960 real time: 2960 gc time: 33
> k: 1
> cpu time: 3021 real time: 1594 gc time: 33
> k: 2
> cpu time: 3462 real time: 1154 gc time: 36
> k: 4
> cpu time: 4381 real time: 929 gc time: 36
> k: 8
> cpu time: 4406 real time: 889 gc time: 34
> k: 16
> cpu time: 7124 real time: 1655 gc time: 440
> 'classic
> cpu time: 2749 real time: 2749 gc time: 51

Is there a package for these benchmarks? I created some benchmarks based
on sorting vectors of varying size from 1 to 2^27 elements. It would be
really nice to test this on a number of systems to get some empirical
data here. The GC can sometimes surprise (me, at least). My benchmarks
used (current-inexact-milliseconds) before and after each run which is
not something very exact. I'll post some graphs on our company blog on
Thursday probably.

Thank you Sam and Alex!


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