Racklog is a port to more-idiomatic Racket of the Schelog system [1]
by Dorai Sitaram. The idea of Schelog was not to be a high-performance
implementation of Prolog, but to use continuations to allow smooth
integration between Prolog-style search and more conventional
computation, while maintaining a simple implementation. Maintaining
this integration (see
https://docs.racket-lang.org/racklog/racket-w-logic.html) with a
WAM-based system would be tricky. Additionally, since Racklog is not
widely used currently, I think there hasn't been much of a push to
optimize it.

Because Racklog uses continuations, I expect that it runs much faster
on Racket CS, which has a much more efficient implementation of
continuations than the traditional Racket VM.

Building a new and efficient Prolog implementation in Racket would be
a great thing to do, and I encourage you to do this, or even just to
start by porting the Common Lisp code you have.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 4:42 PM Eduardo Costa <edu50...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From time to time, I test Racklog, in the hope that the Racket team replaced 
> it with something more efficient. After all, there are many good 
> implementations of Prolog like languages around. I simply cannot understand 
> why Racket must be packed with a ridiculously slow piece of software, such as 
> Racklog. Therefore, in order to discover how difficult would be the 
> implementation of an efficient version of Racklog, I decided to check what I 
> could do in Common Lisp. The reason for choosing Common Lisp is that there 
> are a few inference machines in Lisp, so I did not need to start from scratch.
> I found a book by Patrice Boizumalt that explained how to implement  Prolog; 
> the examples are in Common Lisp. I also found the material published in 
> Japanese by Daiki Matsunaga from the Kioto Institute of Technology. The 
> implementations of Boizumalt and Matsunaga are incomplete. For instance, they 
> did not implement floating point. It took me about one hour to complete their 
> implementations. Besides this, both implementations had bugs, which I fixed, 
> and raised an issue on the github pages of the authors. Finally, I tested the 
> programs with small grammars, puzzles and loops, just to check the tail call 
> optimization. Here is the comparison between Matsunaga's Prolog and cxprolog:
> ```
> %% File: again.pl
> › cat again.pl
> loop(0, Acc, Acc) :- !.
> loop(N, Acc, F) :- A1 is Acc + 0.1, N1 is N - 1, loop(N1, A1, F).
> ```
> Here is the execution in cxprolog:
> ```
> ~/wrkLisp/wam
> › ./cxp
> CxProlog version 0.98.2 [development]
> [main] ?- consult('again.pl').
> % File 'again.pl' consulted, 0.000106 sec 2768 bytes
> yes
> [main] ?- X1 is cputime, loop(2000000, 0.1, F), T is cputime - X1.
> X1 = 0.050186
> F = 200000.1
> T = 133.843561
> ```
> So, cxprolog executed 2 millions of repetitions in about 130 seconds. By the 
> way, cxprolog is written in c. Now, here is the execution of Matsunaga's 
> Prolog, which is written in Lisp:
> ```
> ~/wrkLisp/wam› rlwrap ros run
> * (load "wam.lisp")
> T
> * (repl)
> * (repl)
> > ?- consult('again.pl').
> yes.
> > ?- cputime(X1), loop(2000000, 0.1, F), cputime(X2), T is X2 - X1.
> F = 197024.88
> X1 = 3804
> X2 = 11729
> T = 7925
> yes.
> > ?- cputime(X1), loop(2000000, 0.1, F), cputime(X2), T is X2 - X1.
> F = 197024.88
> X1 = 11730
> X2 = 19832
> T = 8102
> yes.
> > ?- cputime(X1), loop(2000000, 0.1, F), cputime(X2), T is X2 - X1.
> F = 197024.88
> X1 = 19833
> X2 = 28478
> T = 8645
> yes.
> ```
> I added floating point and the predicate cputime(X) to Matsunaga's code, and 
> corrected a few bugs. The modified program is about 16 times faster than 
> cxprolog. Matsunaga wrote an interpreter, in order to execute code for the 
> Warren Abstract Machine. Of course, the is very inefficient. Therefore, I 
> expanded each instruction that appear in the code into Lisp programs. 
> Consider the code below, that Matsunaga's interpreter executes. I created a 
> Lisp definition for the loop predicate, where I expanded each definition, 
> according to what appears in the interpreter. Thus, the Lisp code became 
> considerably faster than the cxprolog code.  I did this in about one day. 
> Here is my question: Since it is so easy to write an efficient Prolog in 
> Lisp, why the Racket community insists in using Racklog? I would like to 
> propose a project to implement an efficient version of Racklog, based in 
> Matsunaga's version of the Warren Abstract Machine. The first step is to fix 
> all bugs that still remain in the Lisp version, and expand the instructions 
> to eliminate the necessity of the interpreter. After obtaining a flawless 
> Lisp version, one can prepare a Scheme/Racket version.
> ```
> * (gethash (cons '|loop| 3) *dispatching-code-table*)
> ((TRY-ME-ELSE #:G525
>    (PUT-CONSTANT 0.1 3) (CALL (|plus| . 3) 4) (PUT-VARIABLE-PERMANENT 1 1 4)
>    (PUT-UNSAFE-VALUE 4 2) (PUT-CONSTANT 1 3) (CALL (|minus| . 3) 3)
>    (DEALLOCATE) (EXECUTE (|loop| . 3))))
> 3)
>  (CALL (|plus| . 3) 4) (PUT-VARIABLE-PERMANENT 1 1 4) (PUT-UNSAFE-VALUE 4 2)
>  (PUT-CONSTANT 1 3) (CALL (|minus| . 3) 3) (PUT-UNSAFE-VALUE 1 1 3)
>  (EXECUTE (|loop| . 3)))
> * (show-wamcode "loop" 3)
>           try-me-else G525
>           get-constant 0,A1
>           get-value X2,A3
>           neck-cut
>           proceed
> G525:     trust-me
>           allocate
>           get-variable Y4,A1
>           get-variable Y3,A3
>           put-variable Y2,A1
>           put-constant 0.1,A3
>           call plus/3,4
>           put-variable Y1,A1
>           put-unsafe-value Y4,A2
>           put-constant 1,A3
>           call minus/3,3
>           put-unsafe-value Y1,A1
>           put-unsafe-value Y2,A2
>           put-unsafe-value Y3,A3
>           deallocate
>           execute loop/3
> ```
> --
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