On Monday, 9 December 2019 23:00:37 UTC+1, edu500ac wrote:
> A couple of years ago, I was unable to run Racket on my webpage. I 
> complained on this forum, and the developers fixed the issue. Things worked 
> fine until version 7.3, when the old problem reappeared. Here is what 
> happens:
> ```
> advo...@advogadosmg.org <javascript:> [~]# racket-
> racket- /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not 
> found (required by racket-
> ```
> The old version works:
> ```
> advo...@advogadosmg.org <javascript:> [~/public_html/rkt]# 
> racket/bin/racket
> Welcome to Racket v7.3.
> > (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
> 42
> ```
> Could people in charge fix the problem again?
Since nobody has gotten back to you yet - what is this CentOS cloud 
However, let me assume the problem is not centos or cloud computing but 
instead that you are trying to run a pre-compiled racket version on an OS 
with an old glibc. 
Well, you can build your own racket there for your current libc version - 
have you tried that? Did you face any problems?

Paulo Matos

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