Thanks George and Matt, those look great.

I think I'll try to implement your version later George, as the
syntax-parse makes me sure I'll screw up. However it looks like a really
nice way to contain what can be changed/updated, while adding things
flexibly to it. And it should be possible to combine with Matt's idea of
running it only on a second servlet that is on a separate port (to avoid
the 'you can only do this on <super-sicrit-url>/update-values').


On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 3:25 AM Matt Jadud <> wrote:

> My off-list thought (which was largely because I wasn't sure it would even
> work) was to run a second web server on another port that was bound to
> localhost. Then, SSH onto the localhost when needed, and squirt values into
> the locally bound webserver as needed. Depending on the server config
> (e.g., you're the only one on it) would make this reasonably secure. (If
> someone got onto your host, you probably aren't worrying about the hash
> table of parameters...)
> Cheers,
> Matt
> #lang racket
> (require web-server/dispatch
>          web-server/servlet
>          web-server/servlet-env)
> (define posts (make-hash))
> (define (list-posts req)
>   (response/xexpr
>    `(html
>      (body
>       ,@(for/list ([(k v) posts])
>           `(p ,(format "[~a] ~a" k v)))
>    ))))
> (define (review-post req key)
>   (hash-ref posts key))
> (define-values (blog-dispatch blog-url)
>     (dispatch-rules
>      [("") list-posts]
>      [("posts" (string-arg)) review-post]
>      [else list-posts]))
> (define (add-key req k v)
>   (hash-set! posts k v)
>   (response/xexpr `(html (body ,(format "Added '~a' -> '~a'" k v))))
>   )
> (define (get-key req k)
>   (response/xexpr `(html (body ,(format "Found '~a'"   (hash-ref posts k
> false)))))
>   )
> (define-values (tweaker url)
>   (dispatch-rules
>    [("set" (string-arg) (string-arg)) add-key]
>    [("get" (string-arg)) get-key]))
> (thread (λ ()
>           (serve/servlet blog-dispatch
>                          #:servlet-path ""
>                          #:servlet-regexp #rx""
>                          #:port 8080
>                          #:listen-ip "")))
> (thread (λ ()
>           (serve/servlet tweaker
>                          #:servlet-path ""
>                          #:servlet-regexp #rx""
>                          #:port 9090
>                          #:listen-ip "")))
> On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 4:13 PM George Neuner <>
> wrote:
>> On 12/21/2019 4:44 AM, Marc Kaufmann wrote:
>> one useful feature of the Django web framework is that it is easy to
>> access the database and change it on the fly. I am not using a DB, but a
>> hash inside of Racket for various reasons. I understand that it would be
>> easy to connect to a database in any language, and getting the hash is a
>> different beast - but I am wondering if there is an easy way such that I
>> could tell the racket web server via a command line or REPL interaction
>> "(update-user uid key-name new-value)" or some such.
>> Is that easily possible? (And very secondarily: Is this a stupid idea?
>> But even if it is, it's what I am under time pressure to get working, as a
>> proper solution ain't gonna happen in time.)
>> Running a REPL inside your program is fairly easy but not terribly safe.
>> E.g., you can dedicate a thread to reading a network port and executing
>> whatever code fragments you send.  But you need to take precautions,
>> limiting what it is allowed to do, and who can access it, so unauthorized
>> users can't screw up your program.
>> In my apps I make hot tweak settings available through a secured web
>> interface.  The "variables" are functions exported from my configuration
>> module (similar to the way parameters work).
>> (define-syntax getter/setter!
>>   (syntax-rules ()
>>     ((getter/setter!)
>>      ; -- start template
>>      (let [(var null)]
>>        (lambda x
>>          (cond
>>            ([null? x] var)
>>            ([pair? x] (set! var (car x)))
>>            (else (error))
>>            ))
>>        )
>>      ; -- end template
>>      )))
>> (define some-config-var (getter/setter!))
>> Then  *(some-config-var <value>)*  changes the value, and
>> *(some-config-var)*  gets the current value.
>> It's simplistic, but it works well.  I haven't run into the need for more
>> explicit synchronization, but if needed it would be simple to add a
>> semaphore / mutex to the macro.
>> During program execution I can tweak these "variables" using a special
>> HTML page that lets me review and set many variables all at once.  But it
>> could be done using a bunch of simple handlers - one per variable - that
>> could be command line driven using curl.
>> In your case, you could create an "update-user" URL handler that updates
>> your hash from its arguments.  If you give it an hard to guess name and
>> don't document it, then it may be reasonably safe.
>> YMMV,
>> George
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