I have a small program that demonstrates some surprising behavior regarding 
`prop:custom-print-quotable 'never`. Perhaps it could be considered a bug, 
although I haven't seen anything in the docs that this violates. I've found 

1. When I call `(println y)`, my `custom-display` is called first. And what 
I do in `custom-display` affects the result of `(println y)`
2. The printer is doing something with `eq?` rather than `equal?`. (Does 
this mean that constructing any new data structure, even a list, during 
printing is an anti-pattern?)

In the example below, if `(maybe-rebuild lst)` returns `(identity lst)` 
then `prop:custom-print-quotable 'never` works as I expected. But if 
`(maybe-rebuild lst)` returns `(apply list lst)` which is a list that is 
equal? but not eq? to the original list, then `prop:custom-print-quotable 
'never` surprises me.

#lang racket

(require racket/struct)

(struct my-struct (item) #:transparent
  #:property prop:custom-print-quotable 'never)

(define (go port mode val)
  (let ([proc (make-constructor-style-printer
               (λ (me) 'my-class%)
               (λ (me) (list val)))])
    (proc (void) port mode)))

(define (maybe-rebuild lst)
  ; Works as expected if we return the same list
  #;(identity lst)
  ; But this breaks prop:custom-print-quotable 'never
  (apply list lst))

(define my-class%
  (class* object% (printable<%>)
    (init-field content)
    (define/public (custom-print port mode)
      (go port mode content))
    (define/public (custom-write port)
      (go port #t content))
    (define/public (custom-display port)
      (go port #f (maybe-rebuild content)))))

(define x (list 'CONTENT (my-struct '(1 a))))
(println x)
(define y (new my-class% [content x]))
(println y)

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