While we are looking at the possibility of improving The Guide, one of the 
things which I find confusing in Racket documentation is that The Guide, The 
Reference and various manuals all look the same.  On several occasions I have 
started in The Guide, followed links, and then discover that I am in The 
Reference instead.  I think what is happening is that The Guide links to stuff 
in the other manuals and then the manuals link to both The Guide and The 
Reference.  You can easily end up moving from on to the other without realizing 
it.  The easiest way to figure out where you are, as far as I can tell, is to 
examine the URL of the page but this is an easy thing to miss.  I think it 
would help quite a bit to adopt some visual cue as to where you are.  This 
could be as simple as a change in the background color of the page or something 
like that.  It would also be great, in any case where an item appears in both 
The Guide and The Reference, to have a link from one to the other.  For 
example, in The Guide,  you would have a link for each item with a label called 
something like "See this page in The Reference."

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