The problem here is with the optional third argument to `hash-ref`.
Typed Racket only allows `#f` or functions as the third argument.
Plain Racket allows any non-function value as a default, or a function
which is called to produce the default. Since "any non-function" is
not expressible in Typed Racket, it's more restricted here.

The best option is to wrap the third argument in a thunk: `(lambda () 'other)`.

As an aside, you probably don't want to use `cast` this extensively in
your program.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 10:35 AM Hendrik Boom <> wrote:
> In typed Racket I define a hashtable:
> (: vector-to-contract (HashTable TType CContract))
> (define vector-to-contract
>   (make-hash
>    (cast '(
>            (_bytes . bytes?)
>            (_s8vector . s8vector?)
>            (_u16vector . u16vector?)
>            (_s16vector . s16vector?)
>            (_u32vector . u32vector?)
>            (_s32vector . s32vector?)
>            (_u64vector . u64vector?)
>            (_s64vector . s64vector?)
>            (_f32vector . f32vector?)
>            (_f64vector . f64vector?))
>          (Listof (Pair TType CContract))
>          )
>    ))
> And then I try to look something up in it:
> ( hash-ref vector-to-contract (cast '_bytes TType) (cast 'other CContract))
> and I am informed that I cannot, it seems, look up a value of type
> TType in a hastable whose type indicates it looks up things of type
> TType:
> Type Checker: Polymorphic function `hash-ref' could not be applied to 
> arguments:
> Types: HashTableTop a (-> c) -> Any
>        HashTableTop a False -> Any
>        HashTableTop a -> Any
> Arguments: (HashTable TType CContract) TType CContract
> Expected result: AnyValues
>  in: (hash-ref vector-to-contract (cast (quote _bytes) TType) (cast
> (quote other) CContract))
> How *does* one use hashtables in typed Racket?
> -- hendrik
> --
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