Yo Racketeers!

Someone recently mentioned that is was tricky to update documentation. it
can be.
I thought I'd provide the steps I took to create a PR for the DrRacket
documentation in the hope that they are useful for others who see an issue
with documentation but finding locating the right scribble file a problem.

In my case I wanted to create a PR to update the 'Extending DrRacket' part
of the DrRacket manual.

My steps were
1. click on the header of the heading in the manual, it opens up with a
little link on how to link to that section note the path:
Link to this section with
         #:doc '(lib "scribblings/drracket/drracket.scrbl")]

2.  go to the DrRacket repo and look for something matching that path.
It was buried a little but I found it at

3. this scribble file is a list of includes, but I was able to match

4. opening extending.scrbl I find the section I want to change

#lang scribble/doc
@(require "common.rkt"
(for-label compiler/cm setup/parallel-build racket/promise))
@(define racodoc '(lib "scribblings/raco/raco.scrbl"))
@title[#:tag "extending-drracket"]{Extending DrRacket}
DrRacket supports two forms of extension to the programming
(gmail formatted this weirdly)

5. For simple changes (e.g. typos) you can just list in place and create a
 - for more complex changes you will need to fork the repo and rebuild the
scribble to ensure it works before submitting the PR. e.g

6. if you run into trouble ask here on racket-users, or on the Racket slack
- there are many helpful racketeers out there.

Kind regards


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