Hi All

I am new to Racket and I have found a situation where I'm not certain why 
Racket works the way it does. Unfortunately I am not sure of the vocabulary 
so I will describe the situation with some code:

; A button made this way works as I would expect, it waits for 30 minutes 
and then shows a message-box and plays a sound.
(new button% [parent long-break-panel]
             [label "Long Break"]
             ; Callback procedure for a button click:
             [callback (lambda (button event)
                         (send long-break-msg set-label "Long break timer 
                         (general-timer 30 long-break-callback))])

; A button made this way immediately shows the message box and plays the 
(new button% [parent long-break-panel]
             [label "Long Break"]
             ; Callback procedure for a button click:
             [callback (lambda (button event)
                         (send long-break-msg set-label "Long break timer 
                         (general-timer 30 (general-callback long-break-msg 
"Not on long break" "30 Minutes have passed, back to work.")))])

; A button made this way also immediately shows the message box and plays 
the sound. Why is it different when the function name is surrounded by 
(new button% [parent long-break-panel]
             [label "Long Break"]
             ; Callback procedure for a button click:
             [callback (lambda (button event)
                         (send long-break-msg set-label "Long break timer 
                         (general-timer 30 (long-break-callback)))])

; The documentation for buttons say they require a callback. I interpreted 
this to mean a function that will execute when the button is clicked.
(define general-callback
  (lambda (msg-name msg-text message-box-text)
    (send msg-name set-label msg-text)
    (message-box "Timer expired" message-box-text frame)))

; Why does wrapping the function so that it takes no parameters change how 
it gets executed?
(define long-break-callback
  (lambda ()
    (general-callback long-break-msg "Not on long break" "30 Minutes have 
passed, back to work.")))

Is anyone able to explain why I am getting these different behaviors from 
these buttons?


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