I did some more digging and found locations in racket/draw that control 
antialiasing. I tried changing them around, and saw no impact on 

However, I eventually stumbled upon the environment variable 
PLT_DISPLAY_BACKING_SCALE. By using an integer value for this variable, 
performance is nice and smooth (I tried 1 and 2; trying 1.25 and 1.5 hurt 
performance). In Ubuntu, I do not have my display set to a fractional 
scaling value, but I do have "Large Text" enabled. I am unsure if this 
setting interferes with whatever PLT_DISPLAY_BACKING_SCALE defaults to.

If you're having typing lag issues on Linux within Dr Racket or other 
Racket GUI applications, you may want to try PLT_DISPLAY_BACKING_SCALE=1 to 
see if that affects performance.


On Monday, May 11, 2020 at 2:05:06 PM UTC-10, evdubs wrote:
> I think what I have seen previously with setting the canvas style to 
> 'transparent ultimately is turning off antialiasing in Cairo.
> Using the sample text editor from this thread, I ran the following:
> $ cairo-trace racket text-editor.rkt
> $ cairo-trace racket text-editor-transparent.rkt
> In the non-transparent version, we see these two lines:
> 16 0 0 16 0 0 matrix 2 0 0 2 0 0 matrix << /antialias //ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL 
> /subpixel-order //SUBPIXEL_ORDER_RGB /hint-style //HINT_STYLE_SLIGHT 
> /hint-metrics //HINT_METRICS_ON >> scaled-font /sf0 exch def
> f0 32 0 0 32 0 0 matrix 2 0 0 2 0 0 matrix << /antialias 
> //ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL /subpixel-order //SUBPIXEL_ORDER_RGB /hint-style 
> //HINT_STYLE_SLIGHT /hint-metrics //HINT_METRICS_ON >> scaled-font /sf1 
> exch def
> These lines look like this in the transparent version:
> 16 0 0 16 0 0 matrix 2 0 0 2 0 0 matrix << /hint-metrics //HINT_METRICS_ON 
> >> scaled-font /sf0 exch def
> f0 32 0 0 32 0 0 matrix 2 0 0 2 0 0 matrix << /hint-metrics 
> //HINT_METRICS_ON >> scaled-font /sf1 exch def
> I am not really sure how this initialization is happening. Can someone 
> help me poke through the code to see how I might disable antialiasing? 
> Should I try to make changes to gui-lib/mred/private/wx/gtk/gcwin.rkt?
> Evan
> On Friday, March 29, 2019 at 12:29:11 AM UTC-10, Bryan Lee wrote:
>> I’m facing the same issues, and I came across an interesting observation. 
>> It seems that DrRacket mimics scrolling behaviour by literally replacing 
>> each line of code with the line above or below, and uses a really 
>> inefficient method of tracking which lines should go where, thereby 
>> limiting how fast you can “scroll”. 
>> I realised that resizing the window horizontally does nothing to improve 
>> performance, but shrinking the window height significantly improved 
>> performance, even if the canvas area is adjusted to remain the same. 
>> In addition to some function definitions in unit.rkt describing the 
>> transposing of lines, that leads me to my conclusion. 
>> Thoughts? 
>> On Friday, 2 November 2018 10:46:29 UTC+8, evdubs  wrote: 
>> > Resurrecting an old thread. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I recently tried to see what would happen if I changed the 
>> interactions-canvas% and definitions-canvas% to be the following: 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >   (define interactions-canvas% 
>> >     (class editor-canvas% 
>> >       (init [style '(transparent)]) 
>> >       (super-new (style (cons 'auto-hscroll style))) 
>> >       (inherit set-scroll-via-copy) 
>> >       (set-scroll-via-copy #t))) 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >   (define definitions-canvas% 
>> >     (class editor-canvas% 
>> >       (init [style '(transparent)]) 
>> >       (super-new (style (cons 'auto-hscroll style))) 
>> >       (inherit set-scroll-via-copy) 
>> >       (set-scroll-via-copy #t))) 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > This seemed to work well for entering text into a blank file, but 
>> opening another file still showed the same lag. I was able to remove this 
>> last bit of lag by unchecking Edit / Preferences / Editing / General 
>> Editing / Color syntax interactively. I can now enter text into Dr Racket 
>> as smoothly as I can in most other text editors and even the example 
>> 'transparent editor-canvas% text editor. Background expansion can even be 
>> enabled without incurring a per-character-entered performance hit. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I do not know why setting 'transparent helps the performance of 
>> editor-canvas%. Likewise, I do not know why interactive syntax coloring 
>> also incurs a noticeable performance hit. As a reminder, this is mostly a 
>> problem for large resolution displays. Shrinking the DrRacket window will 
>> improve performance at the cost of not being able to see as much of the 
>> text. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > If anyone has advice for why this might be so, or how to better profile 
>> this code to determine what can be improved, please share. I do not think 
>> my current modifications merit a PR to the DrRacket repository. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Evan 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 10:50:58 PM UTC-10, evdubs wrote: 
>> > My apologies for the continued spam, but it feels like I am close to 
>> having buttery-smooth text editing in DrRacket on large resolution windows. 
>> I just need some help :) 
>> > 
>> > When I set the interactions-canvas% and definitions-canvas% in unit.rkt 
>> to have the 'transparent style (after hacking the background handling to 
>> not throw an exception when 'transparent is set while backgrounds are being 
>> set), I can get smooth text entry in DrRacket until it starts getting 
>> really buggy due to my hack (like when inserting an end-parenthesis or when 
>> resizing the window). So, it seems like what is desired here is something 
>> like 'transparent in editor-canvas% that isn't forcing flushes or refreshes 
>> while respecting the background setting. It looks like canvas% provides 
>> 'no-autoclear, but editor-canvas% does not. I am not sure where to start to 
>> see if implementing that in editor-canvas% makes sense. Also, I tried to 
>> set lazy-refresh for the interactions-canvas% and definitions-canvas% but 
>> this does not seem to have the same performance impact as 'transparent. 
>> > 
>> > Anyway, if someone still happens to be following along with this and 
>> has any ideas for what to do here, please let me know. 
>> > 
>> > Evan 
>> > 
>> > On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 10:42:22 AM UTC-10, evdubs wrote: 
>> > I played around with is a bit more and noticed that setting 
>> editor-canvas%'s style to (list 'transparent) greatly increases the 
>> performance of the simple editor to where it performs just like any other 
>> text editor. However, I tried applying this to DrRacket in 
>> drracket/drracket/private/app.rkt and this did not seem to make much of a 
>> difference. Anyway, I think the key to improving performance here is still 
>> the removal of the call to gdk_window_process_all_updates. The "improved" 
>> editor looks like: 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > #lang racket 
>> > 
>> > (require racket/gui) 
>> > (define frame (new frame% [label "Simple Edit"] 
>> >                    [width 1800] 
>> >                    [height 1800])) 
>> > (define canvas (new editor-canvas% [parent frame] 
>> >                       [style (list 'transparent)])) 
>> > (define text (new text%)) 
>> > (send canvas set-editor text) 
>> > (send frame show #t) 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Evan 
>> > 
>> > On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 11:41:53 AM UTC-10, evdubs wrote: 
>> > I created PR 95 to remove the call to gdk_window_process_all_updates. I 
>> am still unsure if there are legacy or compatibility reasons for having 
>> this call. 
>> > 
>> > Evan 
>> > 
>> > On Saturday, February 10, 2018 at 12:39:58 PM UTC-10, evdubs wrote: 
>> > I made the following change to window.rkt's flush-display 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > (define (flush-display) 
>> >   (try-to-sync-refresh) 
>> >   ;; (gdk_window_process_all_updates) 
>> >   (gdk_display_flush (gdk_display_get_default))) 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I made this change after finding the following note for the 
>> gdk_window_process_all_updates documentation 
>> > 
>> > gdk_window_process_all_updates has been deprecated since version 3.22 
>> and should not be used in newly-written code. 
>> > Things run much better now in DrRacket (and in the little editor 
>> example), but still the performance isn't great. 
>> > 
>> > I would create a pull request with the removal of 
>> gdk_window_process_all_updates but I don't know if there are other Racket 
>> instances out there relying on older GTK versions that need this call. Is 
>> there a way to check for that? 
>> > 
>> > Evan 
>> > 
>> > On Saturday, February 10, 2018 at 11:08:16 AM UTC-10, evdubs wrote: 
>> > I had to add a sampler to that code so what I really had was this: 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > #lang racket/gui 
>> > 
>> > (require profile) 
>> > (require profile/analyzer) 
>> > (require profile/render-text) 
>> > (require profile/sampler) 
>> > 
>> > (define s (create-sampler (current-thread) 0.0)) 
>> > 
>> > (s 'get-snapshots) 
>> > 
>> > (define ec% 
>> >   (class editor-canvas% 
>> >     (define/override (on-paint) 
>> >       (profile (super on-paint) #:threads #t #:order 'self)) 
>> >     (define/override (on-char e) 
>> >       (profile (super on-char e) #:threads #t #:order 'self)) 
>> >     (super-new))) 
>> > (define frame (new frame% [label "Simple Edit"] 
>> >                    [width 1800] 
>> >                    [height 1800])) 
>> > 
>> > (define canvas (new ec% [parent frame])) 
>> > (define text (new text%)) 
>> > (send canvas set-editor text) 
>> > (send frame show #t) 
>> > Then, I could use the following in the interactions window to get 
>> results after typing in some text to the text editor. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > (render (analyze-samples (s 'get-snapshots))) 
>> > Here are my results for the rows that had significant values for "self" 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> ================================================================================================================
>> >                                     Caller 
>> >  Idx     Total          Self      Name+src                             
>>                                    Local% 
>> >          ms(pct)        ms(pct)     Callee 
>> > 
>> ================================================================================================================
>> >                                     call-with-break-parameterization 
>> [2]                                  100.0% 
>> >  [5]  19000(10.6%)    6221(3.5%)  dispatch-on-char method in window% 
>> ...ow.rkt:778:4 
>> >                                     ??? [45]                           
>>                                     29.3% 
>> >                                     flush-display [14]                 
>>                                     27.8% 
>> >                                     call-pre-on-char method in window% 
>> [15]                                10.2% 
>> > 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >                                     call-with-break-parameterization 
>> [2]                                  100.0% 
>> >  [7]   2580(1.4%)     2580(1.4%)  ??? 
>> ...acket/collects/ffi/unsafe/atomic.rkt:115:16 
>> > 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >                                     dispatch-on-event method in window% 
>> [9]                                 3.1% 
>> >                                     dispatch-on-char method in window% 
>> [5]                                 96.9% 
>> > [14]   5442(3.0%)     5442(3.0%)  flush-display 
>> ...d/private/wx/gtk/window.rkt:891:0 
>> > 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >                                     ??? [13]                           
>>                                    100.0% 
>> > [22] 179456(100.0%) 158080(88.1%) loop 
>> .../drracket/drracket/private/rep.rkt:1456:17 
>> >                                     ??? [3]                             
>>                                    11.3% 
>> >                                     wait-now [32]                       
>>                                     0.0% 
>> > 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >                                     ??? [70]                           
>>                                    100.0% 
>> > [75]   5512(3.1%)     5512(3.1%)  channel-put 
>> ...lects/racket/private/misc.rkt:169:2 
>> > 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > The culprit, to me, looks like flush-display. Do you perhaps have any 
>> thoughts on the flush-display usage within window.rkt? I will try to poke 
>> at this a bit more. 
>> > 
>> > Evan 
>> > 
>> > On Saturday, February 10, 2018 at 3:35:35 AM UTC-10, Robby Findler 
>> wrote:If you run this code, does the profiling information reveal anything 
>> > 
>> > interesting? 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > #lang racket/gui 
>> > 
>> > (require profile) 
>> > 
>> > (define ec% 
>> > 
>> >   (class editor-canvas% 
>> > 
>> >     (define/override (on-paint) 
>> > 
>> >       (profile (super on-paint))) 
>> > 
>> >     (define/override (on-char e) 
>> > 
>> >       (profile (super on-char e))) 
>> > 
>> >     (super-new))) 
>> > 
>> > (define frame (new frame% [label "Simple Edit"] 
>> > 
>> >                    [width 1800] 
>> > 
>> >                    [height 1800])) 
>> > 
>> > (define canvas (new ec% [parent frame])) 
>> > 
>> > (define text (new text%)) 
>> > 
>> > (send canvas set-editor text) 
>> > 
>> > (send frame show #t) 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 11:05 PM, Evan Whitmer <evd...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > > I forgot to mention that I have a 4K display, and I think that's 
>> important 
>> > 
>> > > to note here. 
>> > 
>> > > 
>> > 
>> > > 
>> > 
>> > > On Friday, February 9, 2018 at 7:00:18 PM UTC-10, Evan Whitmer wrote: 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> I, too, am having typing latency issues in DrRacket in the 
>> definitions 
>> > 
>> > >> window. As Dave noted, the size of the window seems to be related to 
>> the 
>> > 
>> > >> issue, and, in my experience, it's not just an issue with the 
>> Definitions 
>> > 
>> > >> window. Both the Interactions window and even the following code 
>> snippet 
>> > 
>> > >> (taken from StackOverflow) will have this same lag: 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> (define frame (new frame% [label "Simple Edit"] 
>> > 
>> > >>                    [width 1800] 
>> > 
>> > >>                    [height 1800])) 
>> > 
>> > >> (define canvas (new editor-canvas% [parent frame])) 
>> > 
>> > >> (define text (new text%)) 
>> > 
>> > >> (send canvas set-editor text) 
>> > 
>> > >> (send frame show #t) 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> (define delta (make-object style-delta% 'change-size 14)) 
>> > 
>> > >> (send delta set-face "Menlo") 
>> > 
>> > >> (send text change-style delta) 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> I am on Ubuntu 17.10 using Racket 6.11 with the proprietary nVidia 
>> drivers 
>> > 
>> > >> and X.org. My GTK version is 3. I don't have this issue with any of 
>> the 
>> > 
>> > >> other text editors that I've tried to use. 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> I tried to profile the above text editor, but I am a novice 
>> Racketeer and 
>> > 
>> > >> could not figure out a way to profile a thread managed in 
>> racket/gui. Does 
>> > 
>> > >> anyone perhaps know of a way to hook the above into a profiler to 
>> see what 
>> > 
>> > >> might be the cause of this lag? 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> Has anyone happened to stumble onto this issue recently and solved 
>> it? 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> Evan 
>> > 
>> > >> 
>> > 
>> > >> On Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 6:07:28 AM UTC-10, gneuner2 wrote: 
>> > 
>> > >>> 
>> > 
>> > >>> On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 13:34:38 -0700 (PDT), Dave Musicant 
>> > 
>> > >>> <musi...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > >>> 
>> > 
>> > >>> >I'm using DrRacket on a 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 system with the 
>> > 
>> > >>> >default Unity windowing system, and am finding that typing 
>> > 
>> > >>> >in the definitions window is laggy. 
>> > 
>> > >>> 
>> > 
>> > >>> I've seen similar behavior on CentOS 6.5-6.8 under Gnome(2) - it 
>> has 
>> > 
>> > >>> persisted across a number of OS and Racket versions. 
>> > 
>> > >>> 
>> > 
>> > >>> I have seen the lag in Dr Racket with 6.1, 6.5, 6.7 and 6.8.  I 
>> > 
>> > >>> compiled 6.1 and 6.5 myself, so there might have been something 
>> > 
>> > >>> strange in those cases, but 6.7 and 6.8 were stock Linux x86_64 
>> > 
>> > >>> downloads. 
>> > 
>> > >>> 
>> > 
>> > >>> Turning off background expansion helps somewhat, but I have found 
>> that 
>> > 
>> > >>> limiting memory seems to help the most.  On Linux I run Dr Racket 
>> with 
>> > 
>> > >>> the limit set to 512MB.  That might be too low for some people, but 
>> it 
>> > 
>> > >>> works fine for my typical (webserver app) uses. 
>> > 
>> > >>> 
>> > 
>> > >>> George 
>> > 
>> > >>> 
>> > 
>> > > -- 
>> > 
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