As I mentioned in my previous post, the "unit" that can succeed or fail is 
the "test case", and this will work:

#lang racket
(require rackunit)

(define-test-suite hw
  (test-case "one" (check-equal? 1 1))
  (test-case "two" (check-equal? 1 (/ 1 0)))
  (test-case "three" (check-equal? 1 2)))

 (λ (suite name before after seed) (before) seed)
 (λ (suite name before after seed kid-seed) (after) (append seed kid-seed))
 (λ (case name action seed)
   (let ([outcome (run-test-case name action)])
     (cons outcome seed)))

;; Produces:
;; '(#<test-failure> #<test-error> #<test-success>)

You won't be able to catch errors from the test case in a handler -- this 
is handled by rackunit, so the `with-handlers` is useless there.


On Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 10:47:53 PM UTC+8, sk wrote:
> Sorry to be thinking out loud here…
> I thought the reason Alex might be using `foldts-test-suite` instead of 
> `fold-test-results` is because the latter automatically runs each test but 
> the former leaves that in programmatic control. I thought this would enable 
> me to catch exceptions, thus (using Alex's really good names for the 
> pieces). E.g.:
> (define-test-suite hw
>   (check-equal? 1 1)
>   (check-equal? 1 (/ 1 0))
>   (check-equal? 1 2))
> (foldts-test-suite
>  (λ (suite name before after seed) (before) seed)
>  (λ (suite name before after seed kid-seed) (after) (append seed kid-seed))
>  (λ (case name action seed)
>    (let ([outcome (with-handlers ([exn:fail?
>                                    (λ (e)
>                                      (println "got here")
>                                      (cons 'test-failed seed))])
>                     (run-test-case name action))])
>      (cons outcome seed)))
>  empty
>  hw)
> Unfortunately, the `with-handers` does not seem to be taking effect at 
> all: the runner still halts with an error. Can anyone see what I'm missing?
> Shriram

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