Does the `'no-toc+aux` style property help at all? For example,

  #lang scribble/manual

  @title[#:style '(no-toc+aux)]{Example}

  Some content.

should render with nothing on the left.

At Thu, 2 Jul 2020 18:47:19 -0700 (PDT), Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:
> I am trying to use Scribble to generate HTML documents (blog-like, but not 
> exactly, so Frog doesn't meet my needs) but would really like to eliminate 
> the material in the left gutter (TOC). (Ideally I'd also like to suppress 
> the author tag.)
> I've spent some time going through the source of Greg Hendershott's Frog 
> and Ryan Culpepper's Scriblogify and both seem to use essentially the same 
> technique, which is a total hack: call Scribble to generate the HTML, then 
> go into it and search for a particular DOM structure to extract the "main 
> content". For instance, Scriblogify does this
> (define (get-blog-entry file)
>   (let* ([doc (call-with-input-file file html->xexp)]
>          [title ((sxpath "//title/text()") doc)]
>          [title (and (pair? title) (car title))]
>          [content
>           ((sxpath 
> "//div[@class='SAuthorListBox']/following-sibling::node()") doc)]
> while Frog does
>   ;; Extract the part we care about -- the elements in the "main" div
>   ;; after the "versionbox" div.  (The `match` might be too fragile
>   ;; way to do this.)
>   (match (~> (build-path dir "frog.html")
>              (with-input-from-file read-html-as-xexprs)
>              cadr)
>     ; HTML produced from #scribble/manual
>     [`(html
>        ()
>        (head . ,_)
>        ,(list-no-order
>          `(div ([class "maincolumn"])
>                (div ([class "main"])
>                     (div ([class "versionbox"])
>                          (span ([class "versionNoNav"]) ,_))
>                     . ,xs))
>          _ ...))
>      (adjust-scribble-html xs img-uri)]
> (it actually has different patterns depending on the Scribble language 
> used!).
> What's a better, cleaner way of doing this? I *suppose* one could build a 
> whole renderer, which seems like an insane amount of work. Hopefully 
> there's a way of doing this as a "delta" on the existing renderer, but I 
> haven't had any luck finding an example of a custom renderer that, say, 
> suppresses the printing of the TOC and/or the author list but leaves the 
> rest of the page alone.
> [Yes, I could set up the CSS so that the TOC appears hidden, but it would 
> still be present in the source and could be found by one of several means. 
> I would really like it to not be there. And I hope there's a better way of 
> doing it than modifying the JavaScript to, on load, go and delete the 
> undesired elements…]
> Any ideas/suggestions/pointers? Thanks!
> Shriram
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