
I have some difficulties when trying to create a macro doing some pattern 
matching on a hash-table and was hoping finding some help.
The macro is taking a hash-table as parameter and I would like to extract 
the value for the key 'name.
I did several trials of my macro with what should be, for my understanding, 
the same hash-table but got always a different result.
Suprisingly, when I'm trying the same partern matching in a simple "match" 
at runtime, I always get the answer expected.

Here is my code:

(define-syntax (m stx) 
   (syntax-case stx () 
     [(_ (hash-table 'name n m ...)) 
     #'(symbol->string n)] 
     [(_ (hash-table x0 x1 ...)) 
     [(_ (hash-table ('name n) (k v) ...)) 
     [(_ (hash-table (k v) ...)) 
     [(_ (hash-table (k0 v0) (k1 v1) ...)) 
     [(_ (hash-table x ...)) 
     [x #'"WHY"])) 

(define (define-person . fields) 
   (for/hash ([k '(name e-mail nickname)] 
              [field fields]) 
     (values k field))) 

(define person (define-person 'my-name 'my-email 'my-nickname)) 

; gives why (why nothing before matches ?)
(m person) 

; my-email 
(m (define-person 'my-name 'my-email 'my-nickname)) 

; gives my-name 
(m (hash 
  'name 'my-name 
  'e-mail 'my-email 
  'nickname 'my-nickname)) 

; gives my-nickname 
(m (hash 
  'nickname 'my-nickname
  'name 'my-name
  'e-mail 'my-email)) 

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