I am in a course where I have to use beginning student with list 
abbreviation in Racket to do assignments. 
Below is my code for unique-right, which is supposed to return a list which 
has only the right most occurrences of the elements of list. 
The restriction in doing the asisngment is that I cannot use any of the 
built-in functions such as append or member. 
I'd need to re name a function and define it as I was doing below. For 
example, in the place where I need to use member? I renamed it as mymember.
Now what I am trying to do is define the helper function mymember. I know 
that that bold part is incorrect but I have no idea at the moment how to 
make the code correct. 

; unique-right
; List<Any> -> List<Any>
; returns a list which has only the right most occurrences of the elements 
of lst

(define (unique-right lst)
    [(empty? lst) lst]
    [else (if (mymember? (first lst) (rest lst)) (unique-right (rest lst)) 
(cons (first lst) (unique-right (rest lst))))]))

*; mymember*
*; List<Any> -> List<Any>*
*; returns a list that has all of the elements of lst plus a non-occurring 

*(define (mymember elt lst)*
*  (cond*
*    [(empty? lst) lst]*
*    [else (if (equal? elt (first lst))*
*              lst*
*              (cons (mymember elt (rest lst)))]))*

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