Hi All, 

The example in the documentation is bad - it redefines 'reverse' (which is 
fine), then attempts to use it.

The working version changes the name of the script (which is just a 
function) to 'reverse-selection' so it doesn't cause the error:
  #:label "Reverse"

I still think making scripts is easy and fun but I apologise for not 
testing the documentation.

here is a script I just made (and tested); 

#lang racket/base
;;; License: MIT/Apache2.0
(require browser/external
(script-help-string "Racket Survey.")
(define-script racket-survey
  #:label "Racket Survey (browser)"
  #:menu-path ("&News")
  #:help-string "Complete the Racket Survey now"
  (λ (str) 
    (send-url "https://forms.gle/XeHdgv8R7o2VjBbF9";)

click new script in the menu and give it a name 'survey' this will create a 
file 'survey.rkt' in the user scripts folder
paste in the above, save and click 'compile scripts and reload'. 
- you will find the script "Racket Survey (browser)" under 'News' in the 
scripts menu.

There is still time to enter and prizes to be won.


On Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 4:59:26 PM UTC+1 Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:

> There are still prizes.
> It is easy and fun.
> Make DrRacket do what *you* want.
> Check it out: https://github.com/Quickscript-Competiton/July2020entries
> Stephen

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