On 8/24/20, Thomas Del Vecchio <thomas_del_vecc...@brown.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I'm currently working on some usage logging for a language we're
> developing. We need to store a persistent file that is shared across a
> given device (so that the same log file is used regardless of where you are
> working). Is there a best place to put this file? I'm looking at
> find-system-path
> <https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/Filesystem.html#%28def._%28%28quote._~23~25kernel%29._find-system-path%29%29>,
> but am not sure from the documentation if one of these is best for this
> purpose.
> One option I'm considering is in `(collection-file-path (build-path
> "logging" "user-logs.log") "<my-language>")`, which is just
> "<path>/<to>/<my-language>/logging/user-logs.log", but I'm unsure whether
> it's safe to store user data there (especially if we are expecting to have
> package updates).
> Thanks so much!
> Thomas

Try the `basedir` package. You can ask for a `(writeable-data-file
"user-logs.log" #:program "<my-language>")`.


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