I need a little help with `decode` vs `decode-flow` in Scribble. (Also, 
this thread is about a question I wasn't able to find answered anywhere, so 
hopefully it will lead to a solution that others can also use.)

Sometimes it's really useful to incorporate Markdown-formatted content into 
the middle of a Scribble document. (Let's not argue about this, please!) My 
assumption is that the Markdown document lives in a separate file (I'm not 
trying to do any clever textual inlining). Thanks to Greg Hendershott, I'm 
almost there! I use


Here are two versions of the inlining function:

@(require markdown markdown/scrib scribble/decode)

@(define (markdown-inline file)
         (with-input-from-file file read-markdown))))

@(define (markdown-part file)
         (with-input-from-file file read-markdown))))

As a practical matter, `markdown-part` needs to take lots of extra 
arguments to create the appropriate part instead of just producing a 
title-less section. More importantly, you often don't want a separate 
section: you just want to "splice" the content into the current context.

`markdown-inline` works great for this purpose, *except* if the included 
Markdown file contains any sections of its own, e.g.,

This is text.

> Lorem ipsum

# Section

## Subsection

Then I get this error:

decode-flow: contract violation

  expected: pre-flow?

  given: (part-start 0 #f '((part "section")) (style #f '()) '("Section"))
Any recommendations on how to create a "splicing" version that also 
respects having sub-sections, or is that impossible? (I've tried pulling 
out parts of the `part`, etc., but without success.)



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