I'm nervous. After installing racket version 7.8 on linux (Ubuntu) at a 
time when I really should not have done only because I'm in the middle of 
development and would much prefer to change the version at a later date.  
The installation did not go without a hitch this time, meaning the problem 
seems to be minor but will take me time to resolve. I am inclined to return 
to version 7.7, if that is possible.
Q. Is it a mistake to simply reinstall racket v.7.7? Does that action make 
it the current version even though version 7.8 is now installed.
Q. To change the current racket version should I be using:
a)  raco setup... 
or possibly:
b)  raco pkg remove
      raco pkg install
Q. I've been reading up on "Getting Started with Packages" but am I correct 
in thinking they are conceptually within a racket version rather than the 
complete definition of a racket version.

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