Very helpful.

I have modified my code to use callbacks and everything is working as
expected. It is interesting that everything was working fine with my
racket_apply and racket_eval hacks, as well.

I have gotten my communication with racket down to one put and one get
closure, wrapping a call to place-channel-put and place-channel-get. I
think this is working well and the c client module is now mostly oblivious
to racket, it just thinks it is using standard c function pointers so that
is good. I do still have to Sactivate_thread and Sdeactivate_thread to
construct my values and call the procs but that is ok, it is nice now.

The cast works properly for me, i thought i had tried that already but it
works fine. I didn't realize `cast` works for source values that are
already racket values but it makes sense that it could detect racket values
and just not call c-to-racket, i guess.


On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 7:01 AM Matthew Flatt <> wrote:

> At Mon, 23 Nov 2020 00:14:56 -0600, Nate Griswold wrote:
> > Hello. I have a few questions:
> >
> > 1) Why do the docs say that racket_eval and racket_apply eval and apply
> in
> > the “initial” or “original” racket thread? I have verified that the
> thread
> > id returned from pthread_self when using racket_apply in c code called
> from
> > a racket place is different from the thread id of the thread i called
> > racket_boot on.
> The `racket_apply` function was intended for use only in the OS thread
> where Racket is booted, and only "outside" to get Racket started. It's
> not intended for use in callbacks from Racket.
> That's generally true for functions listed in sections 4-6 of "Inside",
> and I see that the intent is not remotely clear there. I'll improve the
> documentation.
> To call back to Racket from C code, you should use the Racket FFI,
> where a Racket function that's passed to C gets converted to a function
> pointer for the C side. When you call that callback (as a regular C
> function call), various bits of Scheme and Racket state get
> configured/restored in a consistent way before jumping to the wrapped
> Racket code as a callback.
> For simple things, it turns out that `Scall0`, etc. would work to
> invoke a callback within the Racket context that had called into C, but
> there are many pitfalls, so you shouldn't do that.
> You definitely should not use `racket_apply` or `racket_eval` from C
> that was called from Racket. It will... well, do something. Take the
> uncertainly of using `Scall0` and multiply by 100, since functions like
> `racket_apply` specifically attempt to interact with the thread
> scheduler.
> > 2) I noticed that if i racket_eval in c code called by a racket place, i
> > can’t evaluate things that would otherwise (in racket code) be available
> in
> > the place’s namespace. What is the correct way to get at things in the
> > place’s racket namespace from c code? Is my problem unique to using a
> > place, or would i have this problem in a non-place scenario as well?
> I think it's probably not just about places, but let me answer the
> "correct way" question with the next bullet.
> > 3) (related to 2) I want to be able to put and get from a place channel
> > from a long-running c function. If i just pass a place channel to the
> > function, that is wrong because if i am correct in my thinking (and in
> what
> > i have witnessed) there is a chance that when i go to use that channel in
> > the future, it will have been moved by the garbage collector. Is there
> any
> > way to prevent a specific value from being garbage collected, at least
> for
> > the lifetime of my place? This is related to (2) because i actually don’t
> > need this functionality if i can just racket_eval to get at the place
> > channel from the namespace of the place’s module in the middle of a
> > Sactivate_thread / Sdeactivate_thread session.
> The best approach here is to hand the C code a callback, which it will
> see as plain old C functions. Maybe there's one callback to get from
> the channel and another to put to the channel --- where the channel is
> in the closure of the function, although the C side has no idea about
> closures. If you go that route, then as long as you retain a reference
> to the callback closure on the Racket side, the callback function
> itself won't move.
> Overall, reasoning about the interaction between Racket/Scheme and C
> interaction from the C side is very difficult. The more you can arrange
> for the C code to oblivious to Racket, the easier things get, because
> the Racket-side tools for interacting with C are much better.
> > 3) Is there any way to pass a c callback function into racket so that
> > racket can call that function? I defined a ctype for the function, but i
> > couldn’t think of a way to cast a pointer value passed into racket from c
> > to an instance of my ctype (the `cast` function takes existing ctypes and
> > not numeric values). Is there any way to manually make a value for my
> > function ctype using an existing pointer value?
> You can cast from a numeric value by casting from `_intptr` to a
> pointer type. For example, this expression creates a function that
> tries to jump to address 16 (and crashes, but in gdb you'd see it
> crashing with the instruction pointer at address 16):
>    (cast 16 _intptr (_fun -> _void))
> Matthew

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