Den tir. 24. nov. 2020 kl. 15.12 skrev Dominik Pantůček <>:

> Hello,
> > If you are after numerical calculations for mxn matrices, then look at
> > `flomat`
> > which uses the same underlying C/Fortran library that NumPy uses.
> >
> >
> >
> > If you need rrays with more dimensions than 2 use `math/array`.
> >
> > If you need simple computation of 1-dimensional data, you can use
> > standard Racket vectors (or flomats or arrays).
> I didn't know about `flomat'. Thanks for (yet another) good hint.
> However, for my project I needed really fast matrix multiplication (and
> other basic linear algebra functions). It turned out that most of the
> available options are sub-optimal at best. To my surprise `flomat` is
> one of those.
> Mostly I am concerned with 3D and 4D matrices and vectors.
> During the past few months I hacked together a fairly optimized
> module[1] for performing these operations that defines algebras for
> given dimension during macro expansion stage and all the procedures are
> constructed in a way that helps Racket (mainly CS) perform all
> operations unboxed.
> In the repository, there is a benchmark script, which yields the
> following (self-explanatory) results:
> ==== Welcome to Racket v7.9.0.5 [cs].

> What puzzles me the most: when I read `flomat' documentation, I thought
> it must beat my implementation by far margin - it's a native code for
> really basic number crunching. When using the `times!' variant of matrix
> multiplication, I would expect it to outperform anything implemented in
> in pure Racket.
> Is there something I miss or is it really the case, that carefully
> crafted Racket implementation is the fastest option right now?

I think the main reason that flomat matrices are slower than your flalgebra
is the cost of the FFI call. The cost of calling a C foreign function
depend on the size of the matrix though - so for large matrices the cost
is negligible. However for small matrices, it is faster to stay in the
Racket world.

I believe game libraries in C also implement their own 3x3 matrices rather
than using BLAS/LAPACK. BLAS can handle very large matrices and
makes an effort to give good results even for ill-conditioned matrices.

> I actually wanted to write a similar email some time ago - in the spring
> - about the typed math/matrix variant. But I was almost certain I am
> doing something wrong and should figure it out. Now I am more and more
> convinced that the performance of all number crunching libraries - as
> they can be used in Racket - might be the real issue here.

I have somewhat regretted that the matrices in math/matrix used math/array
arrays to represent matrices directly. A traditional approach would have
better. However math/matrix matrices are more general - they also work
when you need matrices over exact integers or over rationals.

In order from slowest to fastest (when used for floats over 3x3 matrices):

   math/matrix   (most general, very slow)
   flomat            (only floats, arbitrary size)
   flagebra         (floats, square only?)

To satisfy my curiosity, of the performance of flomat:

One way to get a little extra performance out of  flomat! is to use times!
instead of times. This avoids the repeated allocation. The code of times!
[image: image.png]

For a more direct call to the C multiplication routine:

[image: image.png]
So `(flomat! A B C)` will compute A*B and store it in C.

Maybe there is a specialized A*B only routine in BLAS that
can be used instead?

The benchmarks suggest that the  `times` in flomat can be improved for
smaller matrices by calling specialized routines written in Racket.

If you (or anyone else) are interested in improving `flomat` for multiplying
smaller matrices, I would be glad to receive patches.

Btw - you have some fancy tricks in `flalgebra.rkt` !

/Jens Axel

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