On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 10:53 PM Tim Meehan <btmee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Say that I have a strange character group that I want to find in a binary 
> file.
> I wanted to use something like this:
> (define needle (list->string (map integer->char (list #xab #xcd #xef))))
> (define needle-offset
>   (call-with-input-file "big_binary_blob.bin"
>     #:mode 'binary
>     (λ (p)
>       (regexp-match-positions (regexp needle) p))))
> The "regexp-match-positions" returns #f (even though I know that needle is in 
> there, I put it there). Is there a better way to go about this? The binary 
> blob is about 100 MiB or so, if that helps.

You're searching for a certain unicode codepoint sequence (U+00AB,
U+00CD, U+00EF) in a string, but I think you're trying to search for a
byte sequence in a byte string. You can read in the file as bytes and
use a byte regexp. So:

(define needle (list->bytes (list #xab #xcd #xef)))
(define needle-offset
  (call-with-input-file "big_binary_blob.bin"
    #:mode 'binary
    (λ (p)
      (regexp-match-positions (byte-regexp needle) p))))

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