Racket users,

I’m trying to read a scheme file, decorate a bit of window dressing around the edges, and write the expressions to a new file.  I’ve got the basic mechanism working with (read . . .) and (pretty-write . . .), but of course that doesn’t preserve linebreaks.  So now I’m trying to improve it to preserve linebreaks.  It would be nice to preserve all whitespace, but I'll settle for linebreaks.  The racket docs seem to suggest it is possible:

   2.6 Rendering Syntax Objects with Formatting
     (require syntax/to-string)     package: base
            (syntax->string stx-list) → string?
          stx-list : (and/c syntax? stx-list?)
   Builds a string with newlines and indenting according to the source
   locations in stx-list; the outer pair of parens are not rendered
   from stx-list.

However, when I evaluate:

   (syntax->string (read-syntax "mystring" (open-input-string
   "(comment\n  \"hello world\"\n  line)")))

I get:

   "comment\"hello world\"line"

which has no whitespace at all, not even the whitespace that is necessary to separate the original tokens.

I get a similar behavior if I read-syntax from a file and apply syntax->string to those values.

Does anyone know how to get syntax->string to recover the original whitespace?

I'm using Racket 8.0 cs on Ubuntu 20.

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Henrikson

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