Thanks for this summary! But I remain puzzled...

As I understand it, `wheel-scale` ends up being 4 on your machine. So
removing the multiplication by `wheel-scale` means that `amt` is 1/4 of
what it used to be. But `amt` is effectively always divided by
`WHEEL_DELTA`, which you've also divided by 4 in switching to

It seems like those factors of 1/4 would cancel out. Do the numbers
passed to `do-key` end up being different in some way that I'm missing?


At Mon, 12 Apr 2021 04:13:16 -0700 (PDT), Dexter Lagan wrote:
>   I started a new thread as the original topic no longer matched.
> I installed x64 CS and enabled logging in gen-wheels. Matt was 
> right: wheel-steps-mode is indeed set to 'integer while gen-wheels runs in 
> DrRacket's editor. The only two changes required to get smooth/accurate 
> scrolling on touchpad gestures and trackpoint are therefore:
> In share\pkgs\gui-lib\mred\private\wx\win32\window.rkt's gen-wheels private 
> method:
> (let loop ([amt (* wheel-scale amt)])
> to
> (let loop ([amt amt])
> and reduce WHEEL_DELTA by a factor of 4, such as gen-wheels looks like:
>   (define/private (gen-wheels w msg lParam amt down up)
>     (define WHEEL_DELTA_S (/ WHEEL_DELTA 4))
>     (let loop ([amt amt])
>       (cond
>         [((abs amt) . < . WHEEL_DELTA_S)
>          (case wheel-steps-mode
>            [(one integer) amt]
>            [(fraction)
>             (unless (zero? amt)
>               (do-key w msg down lParam #f #f void (/ amt (exact->inexact 
>             0.0])]
>         [(negative? amt)
>          (case wheel-steps-mode
>            [(one)
>             (do-key w msg down lParam #f #f void 1.0)
>             (loop (+ amt WHEEL_DELTA_S))]
>            [(integer)
>             (define steps (quotient (- amt) WHEEL_DELTA_S))
>             (do-key w msg down lParam #f #f void (exact->inexact steps))
>             (loop (+ amt (* steps WHEEL_DELTA_S)))]
>            [else
>             (do-key w msg down lParam #f #f void (/ (- amt) (exact->inexact 
>             0.0])]
>         [else
>          (case wheel-steps-mode
>            [(one)
>             (do-key w msg up lParam #f #f void 1.0)
>             (loop (- amt WHEEL_DELTA_S))]
>            [(integer)
>             (define steps (quotient amt WHEEL_DELTA_S))
>             (do-key w msg up lParam #f #f void (exact->inexact steps))
>             (loop (- amt (* steps WHEEL_DELTA_S)))]
>            [else
>             (do-key w msg up lParam #f #f void (/ amt (exact->inexact 
>             0.0])])))
> Happy Monday,
> Dex
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