Background: I teach a PL course, using Shriram’s PLAI. Many of the assignments 
require students to maintain an environment mapping symbols to values. Shriram 
illustrates a nice easy way to do this, as a list of two-element structures. 
You can also use an immutable hash. Fine. So I’m grading a student submission, 
and I come across this:

(: extend-environment* (-> Environment (Listof (List Symbol Value)) 
(define (extend-environment* env kv)
  (let loop ([kv : (Listof (List Symbol Value)) kv]
             [env env])
      [(empty? kv) env]
       (let* ([kv-pair (first kv)]
              [new-env (KVEnvironment (first kv-pair) (second kv-pair) env)])
         (loop (rest kv) new-env))])))

;; Returns a new environment with old-env as parent
(: extend-environment (->* (Environment Symbol Value) #:rest-star (Symbol 
Value) Environment))
(define (extend-environment env key value . kv)
  (define kv* : (Listof (List Symbol Value))
    (let loop : (Listof (List Symbol Value))
      ([kv : (Rec x (U Null (List* Symbol Value x))) (list* key value kv)])
      (if (empty? kv)
          (let* ([take-two (list (first kv) (second kv))]
                 [drop-two (rest (rest kv))])
            (list* take-two (loop drop-two))))))
  (extend-environment* env kv*))

This solution uses

1) a named let,
2) the list* function,
3) a ->* type with a #:rest-star argument, and
4) A custom rec type for alternating symbols and values.

To cap it all off, the student DOESN’T EVEN USE the extra hardware. This is the 
only use of extend-environment in the code:

(extend-environment e name arg)

So, uh, any idea where this code came from? 



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