Just found out about keymaps.  Well!  That seems to be the answer.
Thanks :)

Chris Lemmer-Webber writes:

> Hello,
> I'm using the mrlib/hierlist in a GUI I have, and I wanted to add a
> right-click menu.  I'm trying to do that, but I can't find an
> appropriate place to notice the event.
> I noticed I can set up a clickback, but it doesn't seem aware of whether
> it's a right or left button click.  I have the following code:
> (define (set-text-mixin room room-channel room-ui-manager)
>   (mixin (hierarchical-list-item<%>)
>       ((interface () set-text))
>     (inherit get-editor)
>     (super-new)
>     ; set-text: this sets the label of the item
>     (define/public (set-text str)
>       (define t (get-editor))  ; a text% object
>       (send t erase)
>       ;; We need a way to capture right-clicks, so we're creating our
>       ;; own snip here
>       (define str-snip
>         (new (class string-snip%
>                (super-new)
>                (define/override (on-event dc x y editorx editory ev)
>                  ;; pk is a print debug tool, should print this out
>                  (pk 'on-event dc x y editorx editory ev)
>                  (super on-event dc x y editorx editory ev)))))
>       (send str-snip insert str (string-length str) 0)
>       (send t insert str-snip))
>     (define/public (get-room)
>       room)
>     (define/public (get-room-channel)
>       room-channel)
>     (define/public (install-as-current)
>       ($ room-ui-manager 'install-as-current))))
> This does set the text of the item appropriately, and I figured trying
> to override the string-snip, but the pk (print debug) inside of the
> overridden on-event never gets called.  Not sure why.  Does on-event
> never get passed through to the snips inside of heirarchical list menu
> items?
> Is there a better, simpler solution?

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