Hello folks,
If you ever have a need to write a command line script in Racket, you may
be interested in the package I've just put up. Normally you'd write such
scripts using Racket's built-in command-line
These offer a lot of functionality, but it takes time to learn how they
work and the syntax is somewhat idiosyncratic. So, I've written a #lang
that allows you to achieve the same functionality but with more familiar
and extensible syntax, #lang cli

The language is composed of 5 forms - help, flag, constraint, program, and
run. With these 5 forms, you get all of the functionality of the built-in
parse-command-line form, and with syntax that's much simpler. In fact, the
nontrivial forms of the language simply use Racket's normal function
definition syntax, so there's very little to learn -- you basically write
normal functions and they are implicitly wired to accept their inputs via
the command line.

At the moment, the functionality offered is at parity with the built-in
forms, but there are some planned additions that would make it more
powerful, including composable commands
<https://github.com/countvajhula/cli/issues/3>, generalized constraints
<https://github.com/countvajhula/cli/issues/6>, and argument schemas

So if you write command line scripts, I encourage you to give it a try.

I also coincidentally came across the package natural-cli
<https://docs.racket-lang.org/natural-cli/index.html> by Sage Gerard. Looks
like it provides some interesting features and in particular subcommands,
which are absent in #lang cli. It very well may be that this package should
be leveraged for semantics in #lang cli in the future (Sage if you'd like
to add anything about what this package offers, please do).


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