
I used Racket a couple of years ago, but is now quiet rusty. So please 
forgive m if my question is obvious. I wanted to experiment with a language 
with algebraic style(infix etc), but with powerful macros, so I thought it 
could be interesting to check out Rhombus.
Below  are my attempts at installing Rhombus in version 8.7 and 8,6 of 
Racket without any success.
I installed the latest racket (8.7) and tried:
raco pkg install --auto rhombus-prototype

It looked hopeful, but after a while I got a lot of errors like this:
--- summary of errors ---                              [17:12:53]
raco setup: error: during making for <pkgs>/rhombus-prototype/scribble
raco setup:   phase+space+: contract violation
raco setup:     expected: phase+space?
raco setup:     given: '(0 . #f)
raco setup:     compiling: 
raco setup: error: during making for <pkgs>/rhombus-prototype/rhombus
raco setup:   phase+space+: contract violation
raco setup:     expected: phase+space?
raco setup:     given: '(0 . #f)

Anything i can do to get around these errors?
I tried the same command with Racket version 8.6, but then I got this error:

The following out-of-date packages are listed as dependencies of 
and they will be automatically updated:
   base (have 8.6, need
raco pkg install: package installed in a different scope
Inferred package scope: installation
Resolving "base" via https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/8.6/catalog/
No updates available
  package: base
  current scope: user
  installed in scope: installation

As a lest attempt I tried to  update base with:
bin/raco pkg update base
but got 
Inferred package scope: installation
Resolving "base" via https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/8.6/catalog/
No updates available

Any idea what to do?

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