> In addition to MSVC and CMake, users need Qt and libtiff installed
if they want the full complement of executables including the Windows

OK. Now, which versions of Qt and libtiff do I use? Do I download
the libtiff source and let the cmake build it? Or...? And there are two
Qt sites on the net! It looks like qt-project.org is the one to use, but
then there are more decisions. Since you are using VS 2008, I suppose
you are using Qt 4.8, but what is available to me as a VS 2010 user is
Qt 5.0.2. Do I use the base version or the OpenGL version, or does that
depend on the target platform? 

Enquiring minds, er, nevermind. 

being reminded all over again why some of the old Bell
Labs/Lucent/Google people don't like shared libraries. 

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