Does Radiance specify[1] a standard ASCII format for RGB output? I've observed 
two "defaults":

* rtrace, rcalc - RGB fields separated by tabs. Sensor records separated by 
$ vwrays -vf myview.vf | head -n 1 |  rtrace -ab 0 -h model.oct
$    0.000000e+00<TAB>0.000000e+00<TAB>0.000000e+00<TAB><CR>

* dctimestep - RGB fields separated by spaces. Time-series records separated by 
tabs. Sensor records separated by newlines.
$ gendaymtx -m 4 city.wea | dctimestep -n 8760 model.dc | head -n 1

Is there any reason to think that these two format specifications should be 
unified in the standard distribution (e.g. fields separated by spaces, 
time-based records separated by tabs, spatial records separated by newlines)? 
How many tools would be broken in the process?

Thanks in advance — Devon


Devon Sparks
Consultant  |  Lighting Group

560 Mission Street  Seventh Floor   San Francisco CA 94105   United States
t +1 415 957 9445  d +1 415 946 0240
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