Hi German,

Not sure this belongs on dev (vs general), but:

genBSDF runs fine on Mavericks/10.9. What are you using for your "activity 
monitor"? When I just use top, it will report an rcontrib process for every 
core I have requested, using ~97% of CPU. What are you using to monitor this, 
and what command are you using?

On 8/11/14, 11:12 AM, "CHI-German Molina" 
<gmol...@hdlao.com<mailto:gmol...@hdlao.com>> wrote:

Dear People,

I am using genBSDF (rcontrib) trying to use my 4 threads (multi threaded dual 
core), but my activity monitor show only about 30% usage of each virtual core.

It is the first time I check this on OSx Mavericks, but it used to use 100% on 
the previous OSx version. I checked on issues realted to the OS, but I did not 
find anything.

Is this affecting rcontrib´s performance? Can I do anything to make this better?


Germán Molina L.
Ingeniero Trainee
Hunter Douglas Chile S.A.
Celular +569 89224445

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