Hi devs, hi Rob,

I'm just helping someone in a far, far away country who is on an Ubuntu machine, but needs the latest getinfo (with the new -a option), as well as the most recent evalglare.

Her Radiance package seems to be very outdated, and I believe it is no longer actively maintained in any LINUX distro [citation needed]. I therefore thought that downloading and installing the radiance-5.0.a.12-Linux.tar.gz archive is the quickest option for her to get all the latest additions and bug fixes.

So I went to
https://github.com/NREL/Radiance/releases and downloaded the 5.0.a.12 tar ball, which was released 3 Oct, which would suggest that it comes

- with the latest evalglare (2 Aug 2016)
- with the latest getinfo (30 Aug)

It turns out that the latest file in the entire tar ball is from 27 April 2016:

find -type f -printf '%TY%Tm%Td-%TH%TM %p\n' |sort -r -n |head
20160427-2350 ./NREL_ver.txt
20160427-2350 ./lib/vchars.mta
20160427-2350 ./lib/symbols.mta
20160427-2350 ./bin/libtiff.so.5
20160427-2349 ./bin/rvu

and does not even contain the new fisheye_corr.cal which was added to Radiance 30 Aug 2015


Is there an issue with the build system for LINUX? Within the source code Zip file on the NREL release page, all files are time stamped 3 Oct.

Thank you for looking into this



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