It would really be nice to have access to ActionController methods from 
within a behavior.  F'rinstance, I wrote a behavior to generate Google 
sitemaps (which I'll share when it, uh, works), but I have no way to 
know the proper URL for the site without url_for.

Apparently they have a similar problem in ActionMailer right now, and a 
workaround goes like this, per a post from Pete Yandell to rails-core:

> This is the code I currently use to solve this problem. In a
> before_filter I do UrlGenerator.controller = self, and then I can
> call UrlGenerator.url_for from my mailer to generate URLs. (I pinched
> this idea from an open source Rails project somewhere, but I don't
> recall where. My apologies to the original author.)
> class UrlGenerator
>    @@controller ||= nil
>    def self.controller=(controller)
>      @@controller = controller
>    end
>    def self.url_for(options)
>      @@controller.url_for(options) if @@controller
>    end
> end

Any chance SiteController could do this for us?

Jay Levitt

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