hello, I'm new to radiant and the list. firstly i'd like to thank
everybody involved in creating radiant,it's a great tool and i'm
looking into using it a lot on my projects.
I'm not that great a programmer, but I'd like to help wherever I can,
by testing and sending feedback at least.

and so, I just installed it today for the first time and it's running
smoothly by itself on top of locomotive 2 on my old tibook 500, just
like the demo on the radiant site.

by searching the list archives I found the gallery behavior, which
looks great, and tried dropping it on the plugins directory. but i
couldn't run rake (it doesn't find RMagick though I have it installed
in locomotive and have its path added to my environment, but I'm
guessing this is locomotive's fault), and I'm getting a 500 internal
server error when accessing any part of the site, be it admin or
frontend. lighttpd.error.log says

2006-07-20 21:26:00: (mod_fastcgi.c.2430) unexpected end-of-file
(perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 2665 socket:
2006-07-20 21:26:00: (mod_fastcgi.c.3168) child exited, pid: 2665 status: 1
2006-07-20 21:26:00: (mod_fastcgi.c.3215) response not received,
request sent: 742 on socket: unix:/tmp/ruby-fastcgi.8cqfQ.socket-1 for
/dispatch.fcgi , closing connection

but fastcgi.crash.log says nothing...

any ideas of what could be going wrong? thanks Oliver, for writing
this plugin by the way.

- Oliver (yup, we have the same name ;-)  )
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