Jay Levitt wrote:
> Keith Bingman wrote:
>> I just noticed a bug in this: when deleting a page part, while it give a 
>> confrimation, deletes the attached file/image/whatever, the page part is 
>> still there when the page is reloaded. This is true of any page part, 
>> not just attachments. I will try to see what is going on, but my skills 
>> are in, shall we say "development".
> I have been noticing that with 1.5 release, but not often enough to nail
> down a fail case.  It may not be new bug.
> JAy

With the 1.5 release, I have not had any problems. But when this patch 
is applied, it seems completely broken. The attachments get deleted, but 
the part itself does not.

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