Jake wrote:
> I am new to radiant and although I really like it I am struggeling with 
> this. I want to build a dynamic side nav am running into the following 
> issues.
> <ul class="blog_archive">
>  <r:find url="/articles">
>    <r:children:each order="desc">
>     <r:unless_url matches="<r:page:url/>">

Looks like unless_url expects only a literal regular expression in 
"matches"; it doesn't expand any tags in its argument.  (I'm not sure 
anything in Radiant does.)  So there's no way to do what you want with 
pure tags at the moment.

Can't you still use your same code inside an r:navigation tag, though?

Also, I'm a few days away from releasing 0.1 of SlickTabs (they're 
style-ish!), which will auto-create accessible, graphical CSS rollover 
tabs based on anything you can do that generates a sequence of <A> tags. 
  You can see the graphical part in action at 
http://www.wellesleycarriagehouse.com, and the rollovers are coming 
soon.  It may be too much for your purpose, but let me know if you want 
to alpha-test it.

Jay Levitt

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