John W. Long wrote:
> Bryan wrote:
>> Could you explain the difference between dev and prod modes as 
>> implemented in Radiant?   Does the URL change force Radiant code to run 
>> in dev/prod or does it simply access different Databases using the prod 
>> code.
>> I am trying to figure the best workflow for handling changes to design 
>> and content.
> dev and live mode in Radiant are different than development and
> production environments in Rails (they have nothing to do with the
> database). You can run in both dev and live mode regardless of the
> environment you are running on. The difference between the modes is that
> in dev mode you can see pages that are marked as draft, but in live mode
> you cannot.

Does Radiant still access the prod database when using the dev url in 
production mode.  I am trying to determine if I could get by using only 
one DB because my host limits DBs.  I probably won't be developing or 
testing code.

Thanks again,


> Larry Myers told me that instead of using the dev and live modes he just
> runs two versions of the site. One on the production Web site, and one
> on his local computer. He uses sqlite for the db, and when he is ready
> to go live he just copies the new database file over to the server. This
> might be a good workflow solution.
> --
> John Long

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